Monday, January 01, 2007

Copper teapot:still life,oil painting

This is the only painting I have completed this weekend, but I did have some great fellowship with good friends. God has blessed me richly in so many ways and I am thankful. I look forward to the opportunities that this new year will bring to bless others. Happy New Year! SOLD


  1. I'm glad your back in production-nice piece!mcj

  2. I love this how much is it?

  3. Beautiful, solid composition! I love your color handling and use of values to make the painting work. Well done.
    - Tom Brown

  4. Thanks Ron!
    Hi Shanti! I guess I should post prices more. I'm not much of a business man. But what encouragement that you should ask. How about $45.00. Its 6x6 oil on masonite panel. Actually I'm still working on it. I'll post it again when I'm done. I have this grand delusion that I could paint a cup as good as Neil Hollingsworth

  5. Thanks Tom! been following your blog for awhile. your style and brush work are amazing.

  6. Thanks for the visit-it cheered me up.
