Monday, January 22, 2007

Pears with Vase. oil still life painting

I never had red pears before , they are delicious! SOLD


  1. Good painting, reads well-nice compo, lots to see without being fussy. Not so loose it loses its integrity. Nice wood.

  2. Thanks Ron. Nice to hear what other accomplished artists think about the tecknical aspects of a painting. Don't be afraid to tell me when I blow it.

  3. Robin I really like your work!! Your colors are fresh and briht and the brushwork is lively!

    I will be checking in on you on a regular basis.

    Cheers... Andrew

  4. Andrew, Thanks for checking in. I checked your site, you are an amazing painter and draftsman!

    I've book marked your blog.

  5. This painting has an exceptional sense of balance and color harmony. The vase looks convincingly 'glassy' without being overly rendered. I want to eat the pears!!

  6. Jennifer: In the studio where I paint, if we are doing a still life with fruit, the painting is not a success unless the other artist wants to eat the fruit! So.. Thanks for the compliment!!

  7. Hi robin, I would like to but this one.
