Saturday, March 03, 2007

Fir Tree study in oil

I'm not feeling to hot this weekend. I did do a couple small paintings. This is a 6x6. Think I'll turn the heat up and go veg out in front of " The Eye of Sauron" ( thats what I named my tv).


  1. Sauron is a pussy cat compared to the TV. My best TV weapon is Tivo. Love the tree! Has a watercolor feel to it. I like the way you filled the whole space with it and your color selection. Vibrant and it indicates you are feeling well - what a magician you are.

  2. Enjoyable little sketch, Robin.

  3. Great brushwork, very vibrant and alive. I like it.

  4. All of your work is great! I think I'll try painting when I don't feel so hot.

  5. Bill,thanks,You know I started out painting watercolors and I think that helped me when I moved to oils.

  6. It was fun Ron. Thanks

  7. I find the bigger the brush and the faster I can get my initial feeling for the subject down, the more alive the painting is Michele. But I fail more often that way too.

  8. Some days are diamonds some days are stones but you keep on going.

    Brad your portraits are great!

  9. Robin, thanks for visiting my site.
    I like your work especially this one. this painting has nice immediacy to it and very fluent.
    Nice use of red too.

  10. Thanks Kee, and thanks for checking in!

  11. Beautiful piece Robin. The blue is very nice and lends a serene feeling to the overall subject. Very nice!

  12. Thanks June! I'll check out your site
