Tuesday, July 10, 2007

View of the Mountain

Sorry I havn't been posting. I've gotten caught up adding to my deck in the back yard. This painting is a view of Mt Ranier fom a vaccant lot up on the hill in Poulsbo where they built the new Walmart. It won't be vaccant for long and the view is incredible. The weather has been clear and hot. Driving around the Puget Sound you get little snatches of the Mountain in certain areas and it is awsome. I don't want to ever take for granted the beauty of the place I live or the hand of Him who made it.


  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Excellent. The colors, the brush strokes, the composition. Just beautiful, Robin.

    Love what you did in the foreground. The purple shadow in the lower right looks great against the warm pale ground.

  2. How can you NOT paint living up there, Robin?! Cool Stuff!!


  3. a very nice painting with a familiar view. Rainier appears at certain times almost like it is sneaking up on us, and you've captured it well...

  4. The colors in the foreground are very nice. I really like the mood in this painting.

  5. Whew! It's been a crazy couple a days. The HEAT is unusual for around here. I know you guys in Calif. are used to it and laugh at us Northwesters.

    Really nice to get the kind comments, Thanks Silvi, Mike , Derek and Elio!

    Just got back from a river trip with my son Maury , trying to beat the HEAT, I'm going to visit all your blogs and catch up.

  6. you can never take a place forgranted if you paint it. painting is intemacy

  7. I agree with you Ming! Thanks for checking in!
