Monday, March 31, 2008

"Camelias with Teapot" still life , oil painting

I finally got around to constructing a shadow box for still life set ups. I made it to break down easily for transporting to the studio. I found an old drywall mud hock in my workshop, took the handle off and then drilled a hole in the base to fit the threaded bolt in my camera tripod. That made a nice lightweight table top on which I can rest my shadow box. The cool thing about using the tripod is that I can adjust the height of the still life to suit my easel set up....

This still life is made up of cut camelias that are already blooming in the yard and one of Leighs many teapots.

12x12 oil on canvas sold
You can kinda see the shadow box set up in my little corner of the studio where I work.


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Great idea. I plan to make one also. I will be working on a still life with lemons and I think this will solve many problems for me.

  2. Anon, Great! Glad you could make use of this idea! It is working good for me so far....

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Wow, I didn't know that people set up still lives in a box! Cool. I see now why your still life is so beautiful. Aside from the fact that you're a darn good painter. Fantastic. Thanks for showing us your set up.

  4. Really lovely, Robin! I saw this painting on DP today and then read about it on your blog. I've thought too about that box arrangement... just haven't taken the time to put one together. Is the controlled lighting environment the advantage?

  5. Hi Silvina, Yes, Lots of artists use shadow boxes. I think I first saw Peter Yesis using one and J matt Miller also....


  6. Diana, Thanks! Yes, lighting is the advantage. You can arrange your still life so that it will receive as much light as you want. For instance if you want to just highlight the foreground edges and let the rest of the SL recede in value for dramatic effect it is much easier with the shadow box.

  7. Well you are way out of my league now...I just think this is a very beautiful painting and you are an amazing artist! I'm very glad I can see your work even though I am so far away!! Well done.

  8. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I'm going to try this great way to capture shadows. I've just been using a light maybe this will help me.
    Your art is really good. great reds!
