Tuesday, October 06, 2009

"One Lane Bridge" oil landscape painting from Amish country

This painting was done from a very vague photograph which I intentionally used to keep the painting impressionistic..I'm not quite sure I have conveyed enough information to make a good painting yet. I will probably go back into this one at some point.

11x14 oil on canvas for info contact robinweiss@earthlink.net
The preliminary sketch. Two Amish boys walking down the road in Holmes county Ohio.


  1. I always love to see the transition from inspiration to creation.

    Really nice work on the figures and shadows. Feels rather Sargent-like.

  2. The light in this is just right. You nailed the color key! I love it. :)

  3. Thanks Patrice! Funny you mentioned Sargent...I referenced his landscape figures when I was trying to capture the reflected light in the faces....don't think I got it ...but I appreciate the kind comments..=]

  4. I think it's a success - Love the composition - really like your work!

  5. Thanks for stopping by Dave! I enjoyed looking through your sketches...=]
