Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Water Jewel" water lilly painting

I painted this little study a few weeks ago as a warm up painting . I am trying to get all the little paintings that I have neglected posting, on to my blog before I start posting a new series of paintings done from a trip to the tulip fields in Skagit county.......It's amazing how much orange, yellow and red  there is in most greens!
 I think I will try the Daily Paintworks Auction with this painting.  If you are interested in bidding on this painting you may do so by clicking..... here .....=]...and Thank you for your support!
8x10 oil on panel


  1. Beautiful greens and the reflections here are amazing! Nice!!

  2. I like the in-focus reflections contrasted with the softness of the lily pads and flower. Nice.
