Saturday, October 15, 2011

"The Flower Vendor 2011" figurative, floral , oil painting, Seattle city scenes.

It seems like every time someone sees this painting they say "I know that girl"!  This is a familiar face and a familiar scene at the Pike Place Market in Seattle. The flower stalls at the market and the folks who create the bouquets are irresistible to me as an artist! I have painted this same girl before but I think my technique is improving from many "brush hours"  . I am going to post a link to my last painting of this scene from 2007 (even though I am embarrassed to do it) just to show how much you can improve yourself by determination and practice(and prayer!). click here  .....By the way, this is the same girl!
16x20 oil on canvas sold


  1. The flowers are glowing in the sun,same as the skin tones!! A florist friend has asked me to paint his stall and I've been puzzling over how to even start!

  2. Thank you for the link. You have improved in every way and it IS encouraging. Painting people is so daunting. Your example will keep me trying too.

  3. Thank you Azra! Start by toning your canvas and then jump in! Have fun with your project!

  4. Hi Nancy! Thank you! That was my intent, to encourage other artists to persevere and keep trying!..=]

  5. Wow, that was wonderful to see your development in only 4 years! Gives me hope!! THe first one was a fabulous drawing, but now your painting technique is fabulous too.

  6. Thank you Jessica! Let me know if I can help you with any painting tips...=]

  7. Wow, you are right about the flower lady. Big difference! Amazing how I remembered the first face so poorly! And that was a favorite painting. So much for memory....if you like it, I guess one remembers it in the best possible light. This time, at least I have a card with the new version so I may recall it a bit better. It too is a favorite.

  8. So interesting to see the difference between the two. Both are nice paintings. But the latest has that fluidity that all us artists long for.
