Thursday, January 26, 2012

"White Face" cow, landscape painting by Robin Weiss

I have this thing for cows...I keep going back to them for subject matter. Some people ask me why I never paint horses......I'm not sure...I like horses....I just think cows are cool...
 Sometimes you can execute an entire landscape with mood and design and all it needs is that hint of a cow to add that spark of interest......Just sayin.
8x10 oil on panel


  1. oooooh, this one is very nice!
    I completely agree with you. Cows are so much cooler!!!

  2. Love the mood in this work. Oh, and the cow is way cool.

  3. Horses always come over to see what's happening. Cows just don't seem that interested and stay put. Plein air rule: paint things that stay put. I like mood to this one by the way....looks like the beginning of a gentle day.

  4. Thanks for visiting John!I appreciate your comments!

  5. Hi Carol! Thanks! Another cow fan....Yes!

  6. Hey Darrell, I think you hit on it!The cows will usually pose for you and the horses just start kicking up dust!

  7. I love cows. They are so dumb, yet so attentive. I'm drawn to their shape. Yours are great. Here's to cows!

  8. Thanks Suzie! Here's to all those cows just hangin out...and shootin the bull...=]
