Friday, April 27, 2012

The Red Rocks from Oak Creek, plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

Red Rock National Conservation Area from Oak Creek. 10x18 oil on canvas
I scouted a great spot for painting while driving through the Red Rocks on the first day we arrived. I went back to that spot on the second day of the paint out. It was a beautiful location and I set my camera up to try some videos.


It's kind of a series .....And my first try at this!....... Well,..I have two more vids as I progress, but apparently Blogger will only allow me to upload one video at a time .......sheesh!
But anyhow, you get a pretty good idea of my location and set up here...

(Tip Section)...=]....After completing a few paintings it was discovered that I had forgot to bring something to store my wet paintings for the trip home. So, after discussing it with my wife it was decided that I would go to Home Depot and find something. I ended up with several flat cardboard boxes. Which I cut up and constructed a box with shelves to protect the wet work...The tip is....Do Not  leave your wet-painting box on the table , in the camp ground unattended! 

The ravens thought there might be something tasty in it and proceeded to peck holes all over looking for tid-bits!...Tip #2....Don't try and pick debris out of your wet painting until it is Dry!....Oh...and Duct Tape....Don't leave home without it!!!


  1. These videos are going to be fun. Loved the raven story. I was painting in a marsh once and my canvas got completely covered with "no-see-ums". Fortunately I was painting with an experienced marsh painter and he told me to let it dry completely and they would all easily brush off. And they did! Looking forward to your next movie.

  2. Thanks Chris! Yes, that tip does apply to bugs too!

    I had trouble with the no-see-ums on this trip too..with paint on the side of my face where I was slapping them...=]

  3. Robin, loved the video. It was like getting to meet you!!! Also loved your painting as the result of your day. Hey good idea for transporting wet work!

    The no-see-ums have started coming out here in New Mexico. We live in the country. Lat night the hubby cooked steaks on the grill and as we were sitting at the picnic table eating, I was batting at them. Ugh.

    Anyway, keep up the great work!!!
