Saturday, February 09, 2013

"Sawdust Hill Road Barn" plein air, oil landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Sawdust Hill Rd. Barn"  8x12 oil on canvas Sold
Near us is a side road called Sawdust Hill.  My wife runs up it for exercise...I prefer to drive up....At the top and around the bend is this great farm. I pulled off the road and set up by the fence for this painting. Things were not going well until I loosened up and started to be more expressive with my brush work....then the magic started to happen....

Sawdust Hill Barn

The sheep farmer across the road came over on his John Deer tractor to say hi and see what the heck I was doing..He told me tending sheep is a full time occupation....I believe it!  We parted ways both happy with our chosen professions.


  1. I am taking much closer note now of how things are done. I love it!

  2. Robin, lovely! so very northwestern! I can feel the rain that has aged that barn!

  3. Gorgeous, Robin...I love your work!

  4. Thanks friends! So busy I am neglecting my blog replies!! But I see most of you on Facebook!! Ha! Thank you for taking the time to go through all the hoops to comment here!! It means a lot!!
