Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Snoqualmie Ski Run" Snoqualmie Pass, plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Snoqualmie Ski Run" 8x8 oil on panel sold
What you don't see is the painting I did before this one. I was looking in the other direction and trying to get too much information into my composition. I was very frustrated and almost gave up for the day in a hissey fit....but, refusing to give in to the temptation, I cut my loss and clipped in one more panel and just turned around and painted what was in front of!...  Later, after Jim looked over my paintings, he said this was my strongest piece! I really didn't agree because I thought my work done earlier in the day was better. After I got the paintings home and posted them on Facebook this painting got twice the likes as any of the others at 172!  I'm happy with the days painting but a bit concerned that I don't even know what my best work is!.....Guess I'll just trust my instincts and ....NEVER GIVE UP!   You do the same!


  1. Robin, WOW! This piece caught my eye on DPW this morning and I had to come to your blog to know more. I love all your work and this one is just crazy compelling - composition, brushwork, values, color... LOVE IT!

  2. Well this is really nice! I like the light on the trees. maybe you just needed a break from what you were really wanting to paint....LOL

  3. I would have been one of the 172. Very nice piece. Like the temperature changes and variety of shapes.

  4. A great painting and a great story. Thanks for sharing both Robin!
