Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Yellow House" LaConner , oil , landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Yellow House"  18x18 oil on canvas    Sold
I have a couple more LaConner paintings to post before we move on.....This one was done in the studio from a photo I took on location. 


  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Your colors are just amazing!!! How do you get such rich vibrant color??? Is it your paints?or your technique?
    Secret recipe?!?

  2. loving this!!!!! see my comments on DPW.

  3. I really enjoyed looking through your blog page. I have been to many of the places you are painting and they really capture the mood! Maybe crows are selling because they are a Gothic subject. Keep up the good work!
    Phyllis B.

  4. Oh my I was In awe as I looked at this beauty. That yellow house just scream look at me I demand attention. The background sings her majesty and just adds to the awesomeness.

  5. Terry thank you! I use a limited palette and keep my colors as clean as possible when painting the sunlit portions

    Hi Lavon, Thanks!

    Welcome Phylis! Thank you for the kind comments!

    Thank you Angela! So appreciate your comment!
