Wednesday, January 08, 2014

"Pt. White Estuary" Bainbridge Island, plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Pt. White Estuary"  7x11 oil on panel    Sold
I found myself at Lynwood Center on Bainbridge Island last week. I drove over to put a red dot on a painting that sold at my solo show at the Tree House Café....which by the way, will be up for the rest of January! hint -hint...

Darrell painting at Pt. White

The day was so sunny and beautiful I decided to paint down on the beach..It was such a beautiful day I called my painting buddy Darrell Anderson to see if he was able to come down and share it with me...Just so happens Darrell was anxious for an excuse to abandon his plans to clean the studio to get outside and paint.  We both had a great day on the beach!  If you would like to read Darrells blog post and see his outstanding painting go HERE.

getting started
I was also test driving my new home-made pochade box...Everything is working just the way I hoped it would!   Now I'm all ready for more adventures in plein air this summer....=]

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