Friday, January 16, 2015

"The Conversation" oil painting by Robin Weiss

"The Conversation"  8x8 oil on panel      Sold
2015 has started off in many good ways for me and my family. My art business continues to grow and I feel grateful for the success I have achieved this past year. However in the world at large many different struggles are simmering . It's hard to know what to do. Sometimes all you can do is treat others with respect....or "love your neighbor as yourself".   This painting tries to convey my feelings on this in the way I communicate best...visually, through my paintings.


  1. This is a powerful painting, Robin, and speaks volumes. It could elicit many stories.

  2. Well said, hit a spot I've been thinking about lately, trying to balance my 'selfish' need to do art against all the desperate need in the world....and there is no balance. So I keep doing what I do in hopes it improves someone's life besides my own in even a small way.

  3. Thank you Carol! I appreciate your thoughtful and kind comments.

    Darrell, your paintings that so well portray the beauty of life, nature and the world around you as well as your passion for teaching others to see with the artists eye has no doubt impacted many for the better. I think for visual artists like us that may be our best way of making a difference.

  4. Hi Robin, you have truly conveyed the intensity of the conversation between these two men. I can almost hear them talking.

  5. You nailed it, Robin, conveys your feelings perfectly! LOVE your work!!

  6. well said, and the painting is fantastic.

  7. oh, Robin, I adore this painting. it really embodies spending time and talking about life as it goes on. marvelous piece. Yeah, we could drop what we do and go serve somewhere in the world, but art is very important to maintain humanity. keep on doing it. You are a treasure, my friend.

  8. Wow! What a dynamic painting. It brings an overall feeling of calm. Love it.
