Tuesday, February 03, 2015

"The Poulsbohemian" plein air, urban oil painting by Robin Weiss

"The Poulsbohemian"  9x11  oil on panel    $350

Our little town by the fjord, Poulsbo! "The hub of all things Scandinavian"  I really enjoy going into town on sunny days and
The Poulsbohemian
finding a spot to set up my easel and paint. Especially near one of my favorite coffee shops!  Last week we received the gift of a bright,warm February day. I took my gear downtown stopping in at the Poulsbohemian to greet friends and have some coffee before setting up down by The Sons of Norway to capture the view.

This little painting will be available at the Carrie Gollor Gallery in downtown Poulsbo.  Carrie has had her beautiful gallery space open for over a year now and is representing me in my home town. Stop by and say hi if you get the chance. Carrie would love to tell you about our town!


  1. Robin, I enjoyed your post and follow your work. Your hometown story captured me, not only because I know the benefit of this culture, but my Aunt, an artist, Julann Campbell resides in Paulsbo. She gifted a painting to my Mom, almost 50 years ago. This piece hangs in my dining room and remains an inspiration to me and my art endeavours. Thank you for your work. Sheri Trepina

  2. Hi Sheri, nice to meet you,cyberly speaking..=]

    I have walked by your aunt's gallery many times to admire her work! Thank you for your comments!
