Tuesday, September 01, 2015

"Barns and Beauty" Crested Butte, plein air, landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Barns and Beauty"  14x9 oil on panel   Sold
Through the Oh Be Joyful Gallery, Crested Butte CO.
One of the amazing things about the Colorado Rocky Mountains is the spectacular wild flowers that blanket the meadows and hillsides. I managed to include them in most of my paintings. Humming birds were zipping around everywhere!

Say, I have to take the time to plug Paint the Peninsula coming up next week. If you are in the area be sure to stop by the Gala exhibition. There will be paintings from some of the best artists in the northwest  and points beyond!  hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Robin, wonderful. the flowers are lovely, but the detail in the barn is the bomb!
