Saturday, January 07, 2017

"Art Deco with Apple" oil. still life painting by Robin Weiss

"Art Deco with Apple"  9x12 oil on linen panel     Sold

I enjoy browsing through thrift stores and I spotted this silver tea set when Ann and I were checking out a new one during our anniversary trip to LaConnor last year.  I just loved the design!  At $75 I thought it was a bit pricey for thrift store goods but I also knew it would make a great still life prop so I offered the lady $50 for it and she said okay! When we got home I looked up the maker (Rodgers Bros) and saw a set like it on Ebay for $400!    This is my first painting with the coffee pot and sugar bowl ....hopefully I will recoup my initial investment and have a lot of painting fun doing it!

Ann with the Trumpeter Swans during our anniversary getaway

1 comment:

  1. love what you are doing with your teapot. I also love the pic of Ann and may have to snag it to paint!
    paint your pot with some grapes. classic!
