Tuesday, January 03, 2017

"Woodland Winter #2" winter, landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Woodland Winter # 2  10x8 oil on panel   Sold

I love how snow can transform a simple unnoticed bit of ground into a masterpiece of light and beauty!
Another from our trip to Echo Valley. This scene was out back of the restaurant we stopped to eat in Leavenworth ....called The Hidelburger!  =]


  1. I love your vibrant colors, do you have a list of your palette colors and do you use a medium with your paint? Thank youlove this painting, high drama in the light and colors in such an intimate view.

  2. Hi Jean, Thank you for the comment! Here is a list of my current colors:
    Titanium White
    Hansa Yellow
    Permanent Red
    Alizerin Crimson
    Ultramarine Blue
    Radient Blue
    Trans Red Oxide
    Depending on the subject I will add to or subjract some of these colors

  3. Thank you, have not used several of these, will be interesting to try them.
