Friday, January 12, 2018

"Hedges Family Estate" original, vineyard, oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Hedges Family Estate" 16x20 oil on canvas   $1200

This was the companion piece to Blue Valley in the Valleys to Vinyards show I talked about in my last post. The work was inspired by our trip to Walla Walla in the eastern part of Washington State and the plein air paintings done on location there. Walla Walla and the regions around it are starting to be well known for their fine wines.

While I had a great time painting with the PAWA artists my wife , Ann
enjoyed sampling the wine!

"Hedges Vinyard" plein air study  9x12 oil on panel   $600

The plein air study that inspired the studio work won Honorable Mention from juror, Tim Diebler.

One of the nice things about plein air painting is the wonderful memories that come back to you when viewing the work . I'll always remember the warm summer days we spent in WallaWalla!

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