Sunday, April 08, 2018

"Palms and Pelicans" plein air oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Palms and Pelicans"  12x9     Sold
We are back now from the 5th Annual Plein Air Competition and have already started another adventure in Hawaii on our first family vacation outside the continental US. It has been hard to keep up with the blog and I am way behind again as usual. Being as how this blog is my only way to journal all that is happening I would like to keep the ball rolling!  Ha!  We will see....

The painting above was done during the Quick Draw competition at Flagler Park. It won an honorable mention from judge and artist Nancy Tankersley. This year the quick draw was the first event in the competition and did a good job of warming me up for the rest of the week. After that it was a fast and furious week of painting which you will see....

I also had a great time seeing artist friends from last year and meeting new friends. The talent represented in this event is amazing, inspiring and humbling!

Thanks for checking in!

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