Monday, June 11, 2018

"Quince with Lemons" Still life , oil painting by Robin Weiss

Quince with Lemons  9x12 oil on panel     Sold

Seems like my inspiration for paintings goes in cycles. In the spring when the flowering trees and spring bulbs start to open up I get really motivated to paint still life.  When I try them at other times it just doesn't work out. ...So, when the urge comes upon me, I set up and paint as many paintings as I can before it passes.  My next posts will be the series of paintings I completed in March/April 2018

Quince with Lemins, underpainting
My usual method is to set up a shadow box using natural light if possible.  Then arrange a composition. Here I am using sprigs of flowering quince, one of the earlier flowering shrubs and components of an art deco tea set found last year at a thrift shop in Laconnor. You can take a look at earlier blog posts about the tea set HERE
As I have described in other posts on my method, I start out composing and determining values in the underpainting using a color made by M Graham Paint Co. called Quinacridone Rust

1 comment:

  1. Robin, gorgeous piece! love your old pot. I have a few things I picked up when I drove to Oregon a couple years ago and took a class with Carol Marine. They are fun for still life.
