Friday, December 17, 2021

"Edmonds Side Street" original urban oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Edmonds Side Street" 15x19  oil on linen   $1200
Available through the Cole Gallery   425-697-2787


Any subject can make great art. Even a non-descript side street on a wet Northwest day in Edmonds.

Part of appreciating life is the ability to quietly observe the beauty of everyday encounters with all that surounds us.  A special bonus is to be able to make a living capturing those moments on canvas..

View this painting in person or inquire through the Cole Gallery in Edmonds WA. 

Thanks to all of you who encourage me every day as I live the artists life! 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice I really like your blog well done!
    Please keep bloging and sharing your art with us all.
