Tuesday, February 13, 2024

"Walking the Spit" original landscape painting by Robin Weiss


"Walking the Spit" 12x24 oil on canvas  SOLD

Studio painting number two!  

I pretty much manufactured the wave breaking in this series of paintings I have done of the Dungeness Wildlife Refuge in Sequim, WA.  There were waves breaking at the time.  Mostly they were made of foam. As I was trying to capture them on location observing the way the waves were breaking my mind took over and painted the wave like I have seen them in other paintings or like I have observed them in California. I liked the way it worked with the plein air painting (see earlier post) so I elaborated that concept onto the following studio paintings.

Note to those who are entering painting competitions:  Make sure you take the time to carefully read the rules  of each competition as there are often size restrictions depending on the gallery hosting them. The reason I made two larger studio paintings of this scene was because I realized after the fact that I had painted the first one too big and then had to scramble to get another one done that would fit the regs. Interesting,  after all that, the one I entered did not make it into the competition!!  

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