Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Daily Coffee Bar

I've been stopping at this coffee stand for like 15 years . Its got a convenient spot to pull up your big truck. This is the view if you were sitting in the cab. Then you can hop out grab a cheesey dog for breakfast pack it with lots of relish,ketchup and mustard so you get all the food groups that make up a healthy meal .Oh ya throw in a Dr Pepper and a Snickers . Then cruise in for the daily fix at the daily coffee bar...mmmm thats livin! 8x10 oil on panel $125.oo sold
Meet Jolynn, along with her business partner Satara they own the Daily Coffee Bar. I love her smile! Hey JoJo!


  1. cheesey dog for breakfast...

    Those words should never go together...:)

    I like how this painting makes you feels like your traveling and stopped of for a bite to eat.

    Nice colors too.

  2. Hey thanks Elio!

    Somebody figured out how to make a hotdog with cheese rolled up in it. Quite a flavor sensation!

    I was really drawn to the red white and blue color comp in this image.

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Really good painting. I especially like the texture of the ground in the parking lot.

    Now about your eating habits... alarming. Everybody knows condiments don't make up the basic food groups! I bet even the cute girl at the coffee shop knows better.

  4. So I've expanded the food groups a little , I'm no Graham Kerr. Jolynn adds the fifth and most important......caffine!

    I'm anxiously awaiting your next painting Silvi

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I do agree that caffeine should be included in the necessary food groups.

    I'm working on beginning a new painting. And creating a new blog. Both projects require much focus. I'm not sure which to begin first!

    I think you gave me whatever bug you were suffering from last week. It came right through you computer to mine. ; (
    Spent all day yesterday in bed.
