Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pear on Paper

I've been sick all weekend. I can hardly hold my head up. Heres a little 4x4 sketch in oil I did right on the paper of my sketch book


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope you're doing better now.

    Good pear. The complimentary colors really make it stand out.

    I didn't know you could paint on paper with oils.

  2. Hi Silvi, Thanks ,I am feeling better but it put me out the whole weekend :(

    I never tryed it before either. One of those deals where I used the two panels I brought with me but still had fresh paint on my pallet, what to do? Keep painting on whatever I had. The painting is drying nicely....Try it ..It's different, the paint starts to dry out fast on paper.

  3. Hey Pardner . . . Hope you are feelin' better. Sorry to hear you were down.

    Cool pear. Nice and loose . . .pleasant feel about it. In short, charming!

