I am struggling with this painting ....and even more so now that I am taking a class on color value and relationship! The problem is, I can't decide which direction to go with it.. I like the girl but not the color in the shadow area. The wall up to the window is gray. From the line at the bottom of the window up, it is white.....but in shadow down to the shade line above the girls head .....Sometimes you just have to set a painting aside for awhile until you can look at it with fresh eyes....Or post it on your blog and hope someone has a good suggestion!'''=]....
The full painting is 18x36 oil on canvas.
Hi Rob... I'll give you what I got. Absolutely love the girl and her motion...she has lots of movement. The wall, however, leads me out of the picture. I want to stay with the girl but keep moving left...so I was wondering if taking some of the street shadow up on to the wall would keep her motion but allow a viewer to stay in the painting. ... and I like the color of the shadow and the concept.
Hi Robin - I love the detail of just the girl, and I like the painting as a whole, but it does seem to need "something". As far as the color of the shadow, I think the violet works, and the gray shadow on the street works - but not both. I find the two different shadow colors to be distracting. Or perhaps it isn't the color difference but the temperature?
Compositionally, I don't mind the large expanse of wall - its in keeping with the concept/title. I do find myself wondering if the figure is too small though, or if it would work better with a much enlarged window, coming down below the level of her head?
Just some thoughts... I'll look forward to seeing it when you're finished!
Thanks Darrell! I hadn't thought of bringing a shadow up the wall....that's a good suggestion. I want to unify the painting as a whole and keep the viewers interest in telling their own story about what the girl is racing and where she is racing to.
Hi Terry, Thanks for your suggestions. I am also thinking that a temperature change in the shadows may benefit. I also think something more needs to be done with the windows.
You guys have me thinking! I love it that I can get this kind of quality critique through my blog! Thanks!
The painting is wonderful. It makes me think what is she running to. It seems it will take her a while. The red pulls me in that side but what balances it out to the other end? But isn't that what makes it an interesting painting that everyone looks at it and it makes you ponder. Yeah you captured our attention!
Hi Robin, I'm not a trained artist so I'm just throwing my comment out there for what it's worth. I really like the painting. If you could cut off 25% of the canvas on the left side (like you would crop a photo), I think that the painting might work better. Not practical, I know.
I think it's perfect. I think where she is running is left to the viewer to imagine...wether she is running to or from etc. I love it. I love that she has so much space to run towards and that she is running towards the light source. lovely. I honestly think it needs nothing.
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