Friday, June 28, 2013

"Skagit River View"  8x10 oil on panel         SOLD
As I have said before, I love the Skagit valley! There are paintings in every direction!  After I finished the painting of the Conway Church, all I did was turn 180 degrees and start this piece of the Skagit river right behind me. I was drawn to the atmospheric distance of the far hills, the reflection in the water and the vertical element of the cottonwood trees in the middle ground.
 I'm starting to get a little routine going after these painting trips, one of which is to set the paintings up when I get home and study where I can improve each piece ..or not...In the case of the Conway Church, I did very little.  In the Skagit River painting,  I worked it over adjusting value and hue problems pretty extensively with the photos I took on location.
 I also thought at the time that this would make a good location for a workshop with parking and different subjects to paint ...As it turned out I was able to come back a week later and teach five eager students at this spot!!  I'll post about that adventure a bit later.  BTW, postings on my blog are currently running about three weeks facebook postings are more recent...=]
  Suns out!   I better get painting!

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