Tuesday, July 02, 2013

"Evening Grace" Church in Conway, plein air, oil painting by Robin Weiss.

"Evening Grace" Conway Lutheran Church  10x10  $425
Mark Bistranin painting the church in Conway
After the group show at the Seaside Gallery, I got to spend some time with Mark Bistranin. Turns out we have a lot in common besides painting.  One of the great bonuses of participating in PAWA events and traveling around painting in new places is the potential of meeting people and making new friends. Mark liked the Conway Church painting and we decided to go out and paint it again together .....Another great bonus of making new friends in new places....they often know the best locations and the folks that live in the area.  Mark knew the folks who own the field behind the church and they gave us permission to paint the view from that direction!  


  1. love the blues in the shadows and oranges in the fields. Also I enjoy how you echoed those colors in the buildings. Gorgeous painting!

  2. Love the light in this one and the title is sublime...!

  3. Wow! I love that blue roof.

  4. Thank you Lavon , Ann and Angela! I appreciate the comments!
