Man it's been a long time between posts! Sorry about that! To all you kind folks who have been inquiring as to my health and whereabouts, I am fine and still painting!... I was pleasantly distracted during the Holidays but took the time to take some photos. This painting of Seattle is 24x24 in. I have been working on it several weeks now and it is still a work in progress. Thing is,, it has sentimental value for me and I don't think I will be able to sell it!
I checked out " Richard Shmidt Paints the Landscape" from Smartflix.. Its pretty good..I'm starting to get jazzed about getting outside to paint. The weather here has been crazy this year but if R.S. can paint in a snow storm I guess I can paint in good old Seattle rainslushicesnowmuckdrizzlefloodfogsleet.