"Bayview Barber Shop" 12x9 oil on panel Sold |
This is the second painting I completed during Paintout Poulsbo. The interesting patterns and lines created by the power pole caught my attention. The day was blustery with the sun coming in and out of the clouds and changing the light pretty dramatically on short notice. I find that it can be helpful to find a back lit subject in those conditions.
This painting was smeared pretty badly by someone who leaned up against it during the exhibition...one of the drawbacks to participating in a wet painting show...
Just to let you know about several up-coming events and some good news:
First up is a one day plein air painting workshop through the Cole Gallery in Edmonds WA. coming up Saturday, July 28th , 10:30am- 4:30pm. For more info on this workshop click HERE
My painting " Camillias with Sugar Bowl" has been accepted into the 19th Annual AIS National Juried Exhibition. Somehow I hope to make it to this show which will be held at the Peninsula School of Art in Door County Wisconsin , September 27th.
I will be participating in Paint the Peninsula again this year which takes place August 19-26th in Port Angeles, WA. Afterwards I will be conducting a 3 day workshop in Sekiu , WA
I have been accepted into the First Annual Central City Plein Air Festival, which takes place in Central City , Colorado, September 28-30, 2018 .......So I guess I wont be attending the AIS show!!
There is probably some other stuff too! It can be hard organizing multiple events and shows! It helps to write it down here on my blog as a reminder...A lot of time goes into all of the other related business in being an artist! So don't forget to
Have fun out there!