Friday, October 30, 2020

"Mount Shuksan from Picture Lake" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

Mount Shuksan from Picture Lake  11x14   SOLD


Back to posting the paintings I did during the OPA National Wet Painting competition in September. We decided to head up to Mount Baker National Park to get some relief from the smoke. It was still smoky but better than down in the valley. 

This is a scene I have painted many times as you head up to the best painting views in Washington state at Artists Point. I think that this spot has the record for the most photographed scene in the US.  You can see a blog post from 2015 when we painted this view in the evening light HERE

Thursday, October 29, 2020

"So Many Pumpkins" paintings from the pumpkin patch by Robin Weiss


"So Many Pumpkins"  24x12 oil on linen panel  $1600

This will be the last post from the Pumpkin Princess series. This little girl was very excited about bringing home a pumpkin but was having a hard time picking the perfect one. 

I had a real struggle with the face in this piece. Portraits are not my strong point. I really need to study the craft more. In any event I could not help trying to capture the expression on her face!  

Thanks for following my blog!  Stay safe and stay creative!  =] 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

"Autumn Magic" paintings from the pumpkin patch by Robin Weiss

"Autumn Magic"   14x11 oil on linen panel $800
Available through the Roby King Gallery


Another in the Pumpkin Princess series painted from reference gathered at Suyematsu Farm on Bainbridge Island.  

I began this painting as I usually do by working out value and composition in the under painting stage using an M Graham color called Quinacridone Rust. It is similar to Burnt Sienna but with the intensity of a modern color. You can see all the M Graham products and even watch a video of me painting in my studio and on location from the artist spotlight page HERE

Underpainting for Autumn Magic


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

"The Pumpkin Patch" paintings from the pumpkin patch by Robin Weiss

The Pumpkin Patch"  Suyematsu Farm , 8x16 oil
Available through the Cole Gallery, Edmonds WA


This is the plein air painting I did at Suyematsu Farm on Bainbridge Island that started the whole Pumpkin Princess series of paintings.  You can see them all if you follow along on my blog. To get my blog posts in your email, simply enter your email in the "follow by email" tile in the right hand sidebar on my blog home page. I really appreciate your support!  I'm always amazed by folks who show up at my shows or demos that tell me they have been following along on the blog for years!  So encouraging!  Thank you!

The Suyematsu Farm on Bainbridge Island was originally owned by Akio Suyematsu. The book by David Guterson, Snow Falling on Cedars is loosely based on the story of the farm and the internment of the Suyematsu family during World War 11. You can read more about the families that manage the farm and surrounding wineries and vinyards in this post by Perennial Vineyards HERE

This painting and other Pumpkin Patch works are available through the Cole Gallery in Edmonds WA. You can contact Denise at 425-697-2787 for more purchasing information.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

"The Pumpkin Princess" paintings from the pumpkin patch by Robin Weiss

"The Pumpkin Princess" 11x14 oil on linen panel
Available through the Cole Gallery, Edmonds WA


So many great scenes at the pumpkin patch this year!  I was constantly pulling out my camera while trying to paint!  This little girl caught my eye surrounded by backlit pumpkins. I immediately thought "There goes the Pumpkin Princess!  

Hope you are enjoying fall as much as me this year! We need some beauty in our lives right now!

This painting is also available through the Cole Gallery in Edmonds WA. You can get more purchasing information by calling Denise at 425-697-2787

Stay safe and stay creative!

Painting at the Pumpkin Patch

Thursday, October 22, 2020

"This One Mom" pumpkin patch paintings by Robin Weiss

"This One Mom" 14x11, oil on linen

 Plein Air Washington Artists have several groups active in Kitsap county that are meeting regularly even during Covid, to paint outside.....following the guidelines of course!

We met one day at Suyematsu Farm on Bainbridge Island to paint the pumpkins. Something I have been doing for years. It's always a fun place to paint in the fall! I always come away with great reference photos to add to my files. The above studio painting features a cute model who showed up to pick the perfect pumpkin.

You can view this painting in person at the Cole Gallery in Edmonds WA. or inquire on line by going to the Cole Gallery website or by calling Denise at   425-697-2787

I also wrote a blog post about PAWA pop-up paintouts that are happening in the Northwest and a pumpkin painting contest in concert with Plein Air Magazine. You can see the post on the PAWA website

Speaking of Plein Air Magazine....I was recently featured in the Nov-Dec issue in an article, Ten Artists to Collect Now. Pretty exciting! ...and humbling to be included among these fine artists in this prestigious magazine! Big thanks to Kelly Kane at PA magazine and all involved!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

"Morning Mist" plein air, landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Morning Mist"  9x12 oil on linen  SOLD


I always enjoy getting together with my son Maury for a painting trip. Neither of us had been up to Artists Point this year and it was a good time to go. The smoke was thick in the air down in the valley and we hoped for some relief up in the mountains.  

We planned to meet at my son and daughter in-law's house in Arlington. They just bought this amazing property with a private lake. I awoke early on Saturday and went down to the dock to get warmed up on the first painting of the day. It was so beautiful and quiet with the mist rising from the lake. A great way to wake up!

We called it right about the air being better up high. We spent a great day painting in Mount Baker National Park. I'll be posting those paintings in coming days. Stay tuned!  =]

Maury painting Mount Shuksan from Picture Lake
 in Mount Baker National Park.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

"Home Field" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Home Field" 9x12 oil on linen panel  Sold


It's perfect when you can set up in a spot to paint on location and get two great views without moving your easel!  That was the spot I picked on Stottlemyer Road in Poulsbo, WA for my first two paintings during the 29th Annual, Oil Painters of America, Virtual Wet Painting Competition.

As you can see here the smoke was still thick in the air. It was fun working with all the soft edges and simplified shapes. This painting will be exhibited at the Poulsbohemian Coffee shop in Poulsbo through the month of October 2020. Stop by and have a cup, enjoy the view and the art! Thanks!! 

Friday, October 09, 2020

"Stottlemyer Road" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Stottlemyer Road" 12x9 plein air, oil  $600

 2020 has been quite a year of challenges in the US and around the world with a pandemic , social unrest, political upheaval, wild fires and other serious issues to be faced by our leaders and citizens. It seems overwhelming to the average person and many, including myself struggle with how to address and help the situation. There are many ways that people cope with the uncertainty. Some would hide in fear, others lash out in anger. I feel, as an artist, the best way that I can help and also heal is to keep putting beauty out into the world.

Recently I was accepted into and participated in the Oil Painters of America 29th Annual Convention and Wet Painting Competition. This year, due to the pandemic it was all virtual.  The artists in the competition still painted on location wherever they were but the judging and showing of the artwork was all online. It was fun for me because a lot of the pressure involved in flying into another location and all the logistics of that were removed. I ended up doing several paintings on my drive from home to the Knowles Studio were I work. The above painting is the first one I completed. There was heavy smoke in the air due to wildfires hundreds of miles away that gave the atmosphere a hazy look and caused big shapes to be simplified. Something that I usually do by squinting. It made for some interesting atmospheric perspective.

This painting and others are part of an exhibition currently showing at the Poulsbohemian Coffee Shop in downtown Poulsbo. The exhibition is titled "Smoked, Paintings Through the Haze" If you are in town stop by and enjoy a good cup of coffee, the best view in town...and some interesting artwork!

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

"Porch Peonies" plein air, still life painting by Robin Weiss

"Porch Peonies" 16x12 oil on linen  SOLD
Available at the Front Street Gallery, Poulsbo WA 

I watched a video of Dennis Perrin painting peonies and then painted this still life on our porch this summer. I really admire his work and learned a lot from the video. Check it out HERE.  

This painting is currently in the window display at Front Street Gallery in downtown Poulsbo. Don't miss a chance to visit if you get the opportunity! I watched another video on the Historical Downtown Poulsbo facebook page that gives you an idea of the beauty Poulsbo. Check it out HERE

Stay safe, Stay creative!


Monday, October 05, 2020

"Rhodies on Red" plein air, floral, oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Rhodies on Red"  12x12 oil on linen SOLD

 Fresh white rhododendrons in a cobalt vase with a red background. I set this up in the Knowles Studio to paint last winter.  I used lots of M Graham paint and worked fast to get this impressionistic rendering of the subject. You can purchase this painting through;

Thursday, October 01, 2020

"The Fountain Steps" Scenes of Italy, original oil painting by Robin Weiss


I continue to work from reference photos and sketches from our time in Europe last year. Still so thankful we were able to go before the world changed after Covid! I walked up this sun drenched staircase after visiting the  original water source for the village of Volterra in southern Italy. 
Volterra is a walled city with Etruscan and medieval remains dating from before the 8th century BC.
We spent a magical three days exploring the beauty of this Tuscan village.