Red Rock National Conservation Area from Oak Creek. 10x18 oil on canvas |
I scouted a great spot for painting while driving through the Red Rocks on the first day we arrived. I went back to that spot on the second day of the paint out. It was a beautiful location and I set my camera up to try some videos.
It's kind of a series .....And my first try at this!....... Well,..I have two more vids as I progress, but apparently Blogger will only allow me to upload one video at a time .......sheesh!
But anyhow, you get a pretty good idea of my location and set up here...
(Tip Section)...=]....After completing a few paintings it was discovered that I had forgot to bring something to store my wet paintings for the trip home. So, after discussing it with my wife it was decided that I would go to Home Depot and find something. I ended up with several flat cardboard boxes. Which I cut up and constructed a box with shelves to protect the wet work...The tip is....Do Not leave your wet-painting box on the table , in the camp ground unattended!

The ravens thought there might be something tasty in it and proceeded to peck holes all over looking for tid-bits!...Tip #2....Don't try and pick debris out of your wet painting until it is Dry!....Oh...and Duct Tape....Don't leave home without it!!!