Thursday, July 04, 2024

"Beach Bones" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Beach Bones"  9x12 oil on canvas    $700

 Second one I did at Fort Worden on the Olympic Peninsula.  If you look through my blog posts you will see many paintings from this location. I love it because you can set up in one spot and do two totally different paintings.

For this painting I started out by toning the canvas and then doing a rough sketch of the driftwood leading you into the scene. Something I do a lot around here! There is so much driftwood!..As I progressed into color I started working out the simplification of the sticks and stones.  As often happens with a scene this complicated I got it wrong on site and touched it up in the studio.

By the way,   Happy Fourth of July!!   Let Freedom Ring!!

on site painting

Friday, June 28, 2024

"A Walk to the Lighthouse" plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"A Walk to the Lighthouse"  9x12 plein air ,oil on panel  $700


Maury and I couldn't get together on Fathers Day this year so we planned a painting day a week later coinciding with a PAWA paint-out at Fort Worden.  While only seeing one other painter we still had a great time painting down on the beach with stunning views of the Point Wilson Lighthouse and Point Wilson itself.

The day was overcast with bright light filtering through as the clouds thinned out during the day making for perfect light conditions for painting.

This was my first of two paintings done that day before we headed to Doc's Marina Grill for some fish tacos and a couple beers.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

"Little Norway" Poulsbo plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Little Norway"  11x14 oil on panel, plein air   SOLD

 I had the pleasure of meeting by chance, a long time collector from Massachusetts at the Front Street Gallery in Poulsbo this week.  It was a surprise for her too!  Always a pleasure and inspiring to meet folks from all over who love and appreciate the work I do. That is one of the benefits of being an artist. To be someone who creates art that others put into their homes because the art has inspired them or evoked a feeling of awe, joy, happiness or peace (most of the comments I get). It is a privilege and also really humbling.  I always want to produce the best work I can for the folks who love my paintings.

Poulsbo is the little town that we live closest to. It was settled and built by immigrants from Norway who saw a bit of their own fjords here in the new world.  The town has always had that small town flavor although that is changing like so many other places with lots of growth and new people moving in.

I am represented in Poulsbo by the Front Street Gallery, a co-op owned and operated by 25 plus artists and crafters.  Stop by if you are in the area for some of the best local art in the area.  =]


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Willow" Bloedel Reserve, plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Willow" 8x16 plein air, oil on panel  $800
Available through the JG Gallery, Winslow

 My second offering for "Iconic Bainbridge Island", a new group exhibition at the JG Gallery in Winslow. 

This show will open on Friday, July 5th during Winslow's First Friday Artwalk.  Hope to see you there!

I have been painting a lot on the Bloedel Reserve. Located at the end of Agate Pass Rd on BBI. It offers acres of beautiful gardens, rare plants, a marsh and wildflower meadows. As part of the art program you can even sign up for painting days or workshops with the program artists including me! =]

Check out the Bloedel website HERE

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Garden Poppies" original landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Garden Poppies"  20x24 oil on canvas  $2200
Available through the JG Gallery, Bainbridge Is. WA

 The JG Gallery in Winslow will be displaying paintings by gallery artists depicting the beauty of Bainbridge in a new exhibition called Iconic Bainbridge Island. 

This new work "Garden Poppies" was created for this show. It depicts the wild abandon of colorful flowers in the Community Garden behind Eagle Harbor Community Church in Winslow from Finch Pl. 

The show will open on July 5th during Winslow's First Friday Artwalk. Always an enjoyable night to come out to artwalk, the town is alive with homegrown music, art, food and festivities. Hope to see you there! 

Thursday, June 06, 2024

"CB Gold" Colorado landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"CB Gold"  10x20 oil on panel  $1400
available through the Oh Be Joyful Gallery


I did a similar painting to this one on location in Crested Butte back in 2021. I tried it again in the studio from the reference photos I took.  It's a good example of the difference between being out in the environment of nature or a cozy studio in the middle of winter..  You decide..  

Washington Gulch Wildflowers    SOLD
painted on location in 2021

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

"Free Range" Colorado landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Free Range"   24x36  oil on canvas, framed  $3800
Available through the Oh Be Joyful Gallery


I've spent a lot of time over the years painting in and around Crested Butte Colorado for the.Oh Be Joyful Gallery.  There is unlimited inspiration everywhere you look there!  I love the open pasture land where the Herefords graze under majestic mountains as you come into CB.  This painting is available at the Oh Be Joyful gallery now. Hope you can stop by and visit if you are in the area! They represent some of the best artists working in the field today.  Check out the website HERE

Monday, June 03, 2024

"Lighthouse Beach" landscape painting by Robin Weiss

Lighthouse Beach  12x16 oil on panel    SOLD


Fort Worden State Park is a favorite painting location for painters in the PNW.  Plein Air Washington Artists will be gathering there on July 22nd for one of many paintouts being organized for the 2024 summer season. Come out and paint or just hang out and watch the artists.  For more info about PAWA visit the website HERE

Friday, May 31, 2024

"Pike Place Public Market" Seattle City painting by Robin Weiss

"Pike Place Public Market"  48x48 acrylic on canvas  $3600
Available through Alki Arts  206-295-5115

 This wraps up all the recent Seattle City paintings I have completed for the Alki Arts Exhibition, "City Life" that will be opening at Alki Arts on June 2nd from 5-7pm.

This is the first acrylic painting I have done for a long time. It was fun experimenting with a new medium!   I will probably be using it as a base for future oil paintings that are done on larger canvases.

I hope you can stop by at Alki Arts for the opening reception. More info on the website HERE

Showing with me will be Northwest favorite artists Brooke Borcherding, Layne Cook and.Arlon Rosenoff.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

"Pergola" Seattle City painting by Robin Weiss

"Pergola" 16x20 oil on canvas   SOLD
Available through Alki Arts  206-295-5115


Another in the Seattle City series of paintings that will be on exhibition for the month of June at Alki Arts in West Seattle. I'll be there for the opening on Sunday, June 2nd from 5-7pm. Hope to see ya there!!

For more info go to the Alki Arts website HERE

Friday, May 24, 2024

"Salt Air" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Salt Air"  12x9 oil on panel  SOLD


My goal when painting outside is to authentically capture the feel of a place and how I felt being there. Sometimes I am successful, most times not but the lure of achieving that mysterious amalgamation of craft and essence of place keeps me trying and makes me the artist I am.

I think I came close with this painting but not until I brought it back to the studio, put away all the reference and went back into the wet paint with just the memory of the sights and sounds, the smell of the salt air, the scream of the gulls, alone on a secluded beach down the Seven Sisters road.

Monday, May 20, 2024

"Backyard Rhodies" plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Backyard Rhodies"  6x12, oil on panel, plein air SOLD


I stepped out on the back deck to paint these wild rhododendron blossoms over the weekend.  It was an overcast day and the local color of the flowers seemed to be glowing from inside. Couldn't' resist!

outside our window

Thursday, May 16, 2024

"Crossing Pike" Seattle City Life painting by Robin Weiss

"Crossing Pike"  20x16 oil on canvas  $1200
Available through Alki Arts


One more reminder.  "City Life" a group exhibition of Seattle city paintings will open at Alki Arts June 2nd from 5-7pm.  I will be there along with Brooke Borcherding, Arlon Rosenoff and Layne Cook.  

For more info visit the Alki Arts website HERE.  or call  Diane at 206-295-5115 for purchasing information.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

"UW Cherry Bomb" Seattle City Life painting by Robin Weiss

"UW Cherry Bomb"  20x16 oil on canvas  SOLD
Available through Alki Arts


I caught the last of the cherry blossoms at the University of Washington during my two day city immersion tour.  It is a beautiful campus this time of year!  This painting will be a part of the upcoming City Life exhibition at Alki Arts in West Seattle the month of June. Opening reception June 2nd 5-7pm. Hope to see you there!! 

Sketching at the UW

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

"Market Morning" Seattle City Life painting by Robin Weiss

"Market Morning"  16x20 oil on canvas  $1200
Available through Alki Arts


I recently spent a night in Seattle. I got a room at the iconic Pioneer Square Hotel which is now owned by Best Western. The goal was to get some early morning and late evening reference photos and sketches for an upcoming exhibition at Alki Arts. Sort of a two day immersion in the city. I had a blast!  I downloaded the Lime Bike app and used a scooter to get around. Amazingly I did not fall over or crash into anyone. Aside from a few start up problems it was easier than I thought and kind of addicting. I recommend Lime over the others until you get used to using these apps. 

"Market Morning" is a painting from some photos I took as vendors were setting up for the day at Pike Street Market.  You can see this painting in person at Alki Arts in June as part of the City Life Exhibition. Opening with me will be painting buddy, Brooke Borcherding also Layne Cook and Arlon Rosenoff all long time artists represented by Alki Arts.  Stop by for the opening June 2nd 5-7pm

Monday, May 13, 2024

"Occidental Afternoon" Seattle City Life painting by Robin Weiss

"Occidental Afternoon"  18x20 oil on canvas SOLD
Available through Alki Arts  


It's time to start posting a new series of Seattle city paintings created for an upcoming exhibition at Alki Arts called "City Life"  I will be joining Brooke Borcherding, Arlon Rosenoff and Layne Cook for this group exhibition opening June 2nd 5-7pm.  If you happen to be in Alki on that date stop by and say hi!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

"River Walk" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"River Walk"  11x14 oil on panel   $800


It was a misty morning in LaConnor. I was attracted to and tried to paint the atmospheric distance of the land mass around and behind the Rainbow Bridge in this painting... with some success. Sometimes you have to settle for a good study. Every painting you do teaches you something. 

When you are out painting it is a bonus if you can set up your gear in a spot where you can get two paintings with out moving by simply looking in the opposite direction. It works best on overcast days when you don't have glare issues on your panel. That was the case with this study. It was the first view from this spot and by the time I was done the sun appeared and I did a 180 for the second try. Take a look HERE

Thursday, May 09, 2024

"Skagit Gold" Plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Skagit Gold"  10x12 oil on panel   $700

More daffodils from Skagit county!!  This one painted along Calhoun Road. See it at the Front Street Gallery this month!!

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

"Sunshine with Coffee" original oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Sunshine with Coffee" 12x16 oil on panel   SOLD


A scene that would often seem ordinary can be transformed under the right light conditions. I'm always on the lookout for that!  The sun suddenly streaming through the windows on a winter day at the Poulsbohemian Coffee Shop in Poulsbo made me double take and start slapping for my phone so I could take a photo before it changed.  "Sunshine with Coffee" is the result.  It sold recently at the Front Street Gallery where I am currently the featured artist.  There will be a reception for the show, "Adventures in Paint" this Saturday, 5/11/24 during artwalk.  Hope you can make it!! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

"April Showers" Skagit plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"April Showers"  9x12 oil on panel   Sold


Most artists that paint outside around Kitsap, not to mention tourists from around the world will almost always make the trip to Skagit county during Tulip Festival when the spectacular flower fields come into bloom. We went a little early this year to beat the crowds and only had the daffodils to paint but Skagit at any time of year is always an inspiration for plein air painters.  "April Showers" was one of the paintings I did during a two day Plein Air Washington Artists Pop-up paint out in early April. 

Come to the Front Street Gallery in Poulsbo to see my Skagit paintings and more work from around the country during May's Featured Artist Exhibition, "Adventures in Paint" I will be there on Second Saturday Artwalk in Poulsbo.  Hope to see you there!!  =]

Monday, April 29, 2024

"Peninsula Drift" Eglon Beach plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Peninsula Drift" 8x16  oil on panel   $800


One more plein air painting from Eglon Beach!  Fun to see how every painting I do there even if it's from the same spot is a unique painting. I just keep going back!  Here are a few past Eglon Beach paintings.

Friday, April 26, 2024

"LaConnor Boats" LaConnor plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"LaConnor Boats" 8x16 oil on panel  $800
Available through the Scott Milo Gallery


I spent a couple days in Skagit County in early April just as the daffodils were coming out. It was a Plein Air Washington Artists Pop-Up Paintout and we had a pretty good turnout!  We gathered each day at the Seaside Gallery and then went out to paint. On the second day I set up on the canal side walkway to do this scene. It's not the first time I have painted this view of the canal. It just makes for a good composition and the red building adds nice color harmonies. 

This painting will be on display at the Scott Milo Gallery for the Plein Air Washington yearly small works show called "Little Gems"  If you are anywhere near Anacortes stop by! The show opens August 2nd.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

"Morning Mist" original landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Morning Mist"  15x30 oil on canvas    $1800
available through Alki Arts   206-295-5115

 If you have explored much of West Seattle you have probably come across this cool beach on the backside of Alki.  There is a lighthouse and some nice views of the Puget Sound. I spent a day there a few months back and did a little plein air painting.  "Morning Mist" is a studio painting done from my reference photos and the plein air piece. 

You can see this painting in person at an upcoming group exhibition called "City Life" at the new Alki Arts venue in West Seattle. For more info on reception and event times and dates click HERE or give the gallery a call at 206-295-5115

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

"Bywater Bay" original plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Bywater Bay"  8x16 oil on panel    $900
Available through the Scott Milo Gallery


These days I am longing to get back outside to paint!  I have been stuck in the studio painting for upcoming shows and preparing for workshops. All that is good stuff don't get me wrong but painting outside is what I love most!  

"Bywater Bay" was done earlier this year at a favorite location pretty near to home. At the end of Seven Sisters Road on the Olympic Peninsula is a protected bay with a long narrow land bridge to an Island that has homes only accessible by boat.  The beach is nearly always deserted and a great place to paint!

This painting will be on display at the Scott Milo Gallery for the Plein Air Washington yearly small works show called "Little Gems"  If you are anywhere near Anacortes stop by! The show opens August 2nd.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"Market Music" Alki Arts exhibition of new Seattle city painting by Robin Weiss

"Market Music" 20x20 oil on canvas   $1400
Available through Alki Arts  
206-295-5115 or


With this post I would like to let you all know about an upcoming show at the new Alki Arts Gallery in West Seattle,  Along with gallery artists Brook Borcherding, Layne Cook and Arlon Rosenoff I will be participating in an exhibition of recent Seattle city paintings.

This exhibition will hang through the month of June with an opening reception on June 2nd from 5-7pm. The artists will be there to greet visitors and talk about their inspiration for this show.

Also in June continuing the celebration of this event will be another gathering for the intimate concert series featuring Moon Girl on June 8th from 6-8pm

The artists will also be in attendance for West Seattle Artwalk on Thursday June 6th from 5-8pm

I hope to connect with you at one of these events in West Seattle!  For more information on any of the paintings on display contact Diane at 206-295-5115 or email

Friday, April 19, 2024

"Let the Earth Rejoice" Eleanor's Apple Tree original painting by Robin Weiss

"Let the Earth Rejoice" 11x14 oil on panel  $500


Lots of exciting things happening these days keeping me from posting for awhile.  First up and already on display at the Front Street Gallery in Poulsbo is the annual Ars Poetica exhibition. Ars Poetica has it's roots going way back to a Roman poet named Horace when he said "The making of a poem is like that of a painting" This exhibition will pair visual artists with poets. The art along with the poems will be dsiplayed on the featured art wall at Front Street Gallery through April with an artist and poet reading on April 21st at 2pm.

"Let the Earth Rejoice" is the painting that I created to go along with a poem that was posted online by the daughter of a friend that attends our church. I was impressed with her poem which expressed her love of what she sees and obviously really spends time thinking about in nature, then integrated that with a grateful love of the God who created the beauty we see coming up with this sweet poem. 

Eleanor E Graham 
The little apple tree

There is a little apple tree,
That grows in our yard all day and night.
she has but just a few little leaves
But she holds them up to try and touch the sky
And praises with all of her might.

She praises in the summer,
When the children play in her branches
And pick the apples in her leaves,
And all the world is laughing

She praises in the fall
When her leaves turn crimson and gold
And swirl and spin through the air
And all the world is dancing

She praises in the winter,
When a blanket in laid upon the land
Her branches are bare,
and all the world is sleeping.

She praises in the spring,
When green things are growing
And rabbits that slept in her roots
Are hopping and jumping and leaping

And someday when she’s old and wise,
And she’ll lift up her branches to praise 
And touch the sky.

Friday, April 05, 2024

"Riverbend Park" plein air oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Riverbend Park" 16x16 oil on panel_ Sold


"Riverbend Park", the final painting of three, closed the first day for me at Riverbend Park in Jupiter Florida during the 11th Annual Plein Air Festival hosted by the Lighthouse Art Center in Tequesta, Florida. I walked by this scene, took a second look and set up my easel. I knew this one may be my best effort of the competition and used my largest panel to paint it. The competition at this event is always very steep and while I didn't win any awards, four of my paintings sold including this one.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

"Old Time Jam at Riverbend Park" plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Old Time Jam at Riverbend Park"
12x9 plein air oil   Sold


I came across a great plein air opportunity while painting in Riverbend Park during the 11th Annual Plein Air Festival hosted by the Lighthouse Art Center in Tequesta Florida.  I love painting these cabanas that provide shade and rain cover for the picnic areas at this park. I painted them last time I participated in this festival 5 years ago. 

This year I ran across a group of musicians filling the park with joyful tunes.  They were all part of a nation wide Old Time Jams music organization that send out locations and meeting times on a special app and you can just show up and play along. I was looking forward to a pleasant painting session while listening to some great live music. Perfect! 

Monday, April 01, 2024

"Morning Walk at Riverbend Park" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Morning Walk at Riverbend Park"
12x9 oil on panel   sold

After the opening festivities consisting of the "Quick Draw , panel stamping and the artists awards and greeting we all dispersed around Martin and Palm Beach counties to start creating artwork to adorn the beautiful gallery space at the Lighthouse Art Center in Tequesta Florida.

My first stop was a favorite location from years past, Riverbend Park. I decided to spend the whole day there to avoid wasting too much time driving and looking instead of painting. It's a strategy I have discussed in other blog posts about competition painting and works good for me. Plan ahead for the next days location, go there early and spend the whole day making paintings in that spot. Once you have a few good paintings under your belt then you can take more risks driving around and looking for opportune scenes.

Going to Riverbend was a good move. I completed my favorite work there and while I won no awards I did sell three of them with the above painting given as a thank you gift to our wonderful host family.