Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Garden Poppies" original landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Garden Poppies"  20x24 oil on canvas  $2200
Available through the JG Gallery, Bainbridge Is. WA

 The JG Gallery in Winslow will be displaying paintings by gallery artists depicting the beauty of Bainbridge in a new exhibition called Iconic Bainbridge Island. 

This new work "Garden Poppies" was created for this show. It depicts the wild abandon of colorful flowers in the Community Garden behind Eagle Harbor Community Church in Winslow from Finch Pl. 

The show will open on July 5th during Winslow's First Friday Artwalk. Always an enjoyable night to come out to artwalk, the town is alive with homegrown music, art, food and festivities. Hope to see you there! 

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