Friday, May 31, 2024

"Pike Place Public Market" Seattle City painting by Robin Weiss

"Pike Place Public Market"  48x48 acrylic on canvas  $3600
Available through Alki Arts  206-295-5115

 This wraps up all the recent Seattle City paintings I have completed for the Alki Arts Exhibition, "City Life" that will be opening at Alki Arts on June 2nd from 5-7pm.

This is the first acrylic painting I have done for a long time. It was fun experimenting with a new medium!   I will probably be using it as a base for future oil paintings that are done on larger canvases.

I hope you can stop by at Alki Arts for the opening reception. More info on the website HERE

Showing with me will be Northwest favorite artists Brooke Borcherding, Layne Cook and.Arlon Rosenoff.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

"Pergola" Seattle City painting by Robin Weiss

"Pergola" 16x20 oil on canvas   SOLD
Available through Alki Arts  206-295-5115


Another in the Seattle City series of paintings that will be on exhibition for the month of June at Alki Arts in West Seattle. I'll be there for the opening on Sunday, June 2nd from 5-7pm. Hope to see ya there!!

For more info go to the Alki Arts website HERE

Friday, May 24, 2024

"Salt Air" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Salt Air"  12x9 oil on panel  SOLD


My goal when painting outside is to authentically capture the feel of a place and how I felt being there. Sometimes I am successful, most times not but the lure of achieving that mysterious amalgamation of craft and essence of place keeps me trying and makes me the artist I am.

I think I came close with this painting but not until I brought it back to the studio, put away all the reference and went back into the wet paint with just the memory of the sights and sounds, the smell of the salt air, the scream of the gulls, alone on a secluded beach down the Seven Sisters road.

Monday, May 20, 2024

"Backyard Rhodies" plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Backyard Rhodies"  6x12, oil on panel, plein air SOLD


I stepped out on the back deck to paint these wild rhododendron blossoms over the weekend.  It was an overcast day and the local color of the flowers seemed to be glowing from inside. Couldn't' resist!

outside our window

Thursday, May 16, 2024

"Crossing Pike" Seattle City Life painting by Robin Weiss

"Crossing Pike"  20x16 oil on canvas  $1200
Available through Alki Arts


One more reminder.  "City Life" a group exhibition of Seattle city paintings will open at Alki Arts June 2nd from 5-7pm.  I will be there along with Brooke Borcherding, Arlon Rosenoff and Layne Cook.  

For more info visit the Alki Arts website HERE.  or call  Diane at 206-295-5115 for purchasing information.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

"UW Cherry Bomb" Seattle City Life painting by Robin Weiss

"UW Cherry Bomb"  20x16 oil on canvas  SOLD
Available through Alki Arts


I caught the last of the cherry blossoms at the University of Washington during my two day city immersion tour.  It is a beautiful campus this time of year!  This painting will be a part of the upcoming City Life exhibition at Alki Arts in West Seattle the month of June. Opening reception June 2nd 5-7pm. Hope to see you there!! 

Sketching at the UW

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

"Market Morning" Seattle City Life painting by Robin Weiss

"Market Morning"  16x20 oil on canvas  $1200
Available through Alki Arts


I recently spent a night in Seattle. I got a room at the iconic Pioneer Square Hotel which is now owned by Best Western. The goal was to get some early morning and late evening reference photos and sketches for an upcoming exhibition at Alki Arts. Sort of a two day immersion in the city. I had a blast!  I downloaded the Lime Bike app and used a scooter to get around. Amazingly I did not fall over or crash into anyone. Aside from a few start up problems it was easier than I thought and kind of addicting. I recommend Lime over the others until you get used to using these apps. 

"Market Morning" is a painting from some photos I took as vendors were setting up for the day at Pike Street Market.  You can see this painting in person at Alki Arts in June as part of the City Life Exhibition. Opening with me will be painting buddy, Brooke Borcherding also Layne Cook and Arlon Rosenoff all long time artists represented by Alki Arts.  Stop by for the opening June 2nd 5-7pm

Monday, May 13, 2024

"Occidental Afternoon" Seattle City Life painting by Robin Weiss

"Occidental Afternoon"  18x20 oil on canvas SOLD
Available through Alki Arts  


It's time to start posting a new series of Seattle city paintings created for an upcoming exhibition at Alki Arts called "City Life"  I will be joining Brooke Borcherding, Arlon Rosenoff and Layne Cook for this group exhibition opening June 2nd 5-7pm.  If you happen to be in Alki on that date stop by and say hi!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

"River Walk" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"River Walk"  11x14 oil on panel   $800


It was a misty morning in LaConnor. I was attracted to and tried to paint the atmospheric distance of the land mass around and behind the Rainbow Bridge in this painting... with some success. Sometimes you have to settle for a good study. Every painting you do teaches you something. 

When you are out painting it is a bonus if you can set up your gear in a spot where you can get two paintings with out moving by simply looking in the opposite direction. It works best on overcast days when you don't have glare issues on your panel. That was the case with this study. It was the first view from this spot and by the time I was done the sun appeared and I did a 180 for the second try. Take a look HERE

Thursday, May 09, 2024

"Skagit Gold" Plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Skagit Gold"  10x12 oil on panel   $700

More daffodils from Skagit county!!  This one painted along Calhoun Road. See it at the Front Street Gallery this month!!

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

"Sunshine with Coffee" original oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Sunshine with Coffee" 12x16 oil on panel   SOLD


A scene that would often seem ordinary can be transformed under the right light conditions. I'm always on the lookout for that!  The sun suddenly streaming through the windows on a winter day at the Poulsbohemian Coffee Shop in Poulsbo made me double take and start slapping for my phone so I could take a photo before it changed.  "Sunshine with Coffee" is the result.  It sold recently at the Front Street Gallery where I am currently the featured artist.  There will be a reception for the show, "Adventures in Paint" this Saturday, 5/11/24 during artwalk.  Hope you can make it!!