Friday, April 26, 2024

"LaConnor Boats" LaConnor plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"LaConnor Boats" 8x16 oil on panel  $800
Available through the Scott Milo Gallery


I spent a couple days in Skagit County in early April just as the daffodils were coming out. It was a Plein Air Washington Artists Pop-Up Paintout and we had a pretty good turnout!  We gathered each day at the Seaside Gallery and then went out to paint. On the second day I set up on the canal side walkway to do this scene. It's not the first time I have painted this view of the canal. It just makes for a good composition and the red building adds nice color harmonies. 

This painting will be on display at the Scott Milo Gallery for the Plein Air Washington yearly small works show called "Little Gems"  If you are anywhere near Anacortes stop by! The show opens August 2nd.

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