"Palapa Palms" 14x11 oil on canvas panel $520 |
This is the last one of the Mexico paintings from our adventure to the Baja Sur. I saw these palms when the workshop was gathered at the church in Pescadero. I didn't have a chance to do more than a quick sketch and take some pictures at the time, so it was fun to finally get to the palms when I got back to the studio.
underpainting |
I did my usual underpainting in a hotter red/orange color to give the painting the "heat" that we experienced in Mexico.
I am back to painting the cool northwest scenes that I am used to for now but the Plein Air Convention in Monterey is coming up in April and I am excited to be back in sunny California, especially the beautiful Monterey peninsula! Stay tuned for updates on how it all plays out.
In the mean time if you are in the area I will be at the Bainbridge Baker Co, in Winslow, on Bainbridge Island, WA. for the first Friday Art Walk this coming Friday from 6pm till 8pm. Come down and see my recent plein air and studio work with over 30 paintings displayed.
Until next time , Adios Amigos!