Monday, March 29, 2021

"Coral Cove" Oil, landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Coral Cove" 20x16 oil on canvas   Sold

"Old Squaw Road" 9x12 oil on panel
plein air painting done on location in
 Lander Wyoming , 2020

Life has been pretty busy lately. We are looking forward to attending the 5th Annual AIS Small Works Showcase in Charleston SC. One of my paintings done in Lander Wyoming before our epic hiking trip into the Wind River mountains was juried into this show. It is very exciting for me and quite an honor to get into any AIS juried show as the competition is pretty strong. 


It worked out well since we were already planning on traveling to Florida to participate in a fundraising and awareness event for the Ormond Memorial Art Museum and Gardens which is undertaking a major renovation. My wife's sister Nancy is on the board and invited me to be a guest artist for the event. I will be giving painting demonstrations and teaching an Introduction to Plein Air Painting workshop . So the schedule is full but we are really looking forward to more warm, sunny  climes!   Hope all in your world is sunny too! Things are looking up!  Stay safe and stay creative!


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

"Paris Cafe" original oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Paris Cafe" 8x10 oil on panel   $500


This one has been circulating around for over a year now. It was one of those paintings that had to age a bit before I started to like it. Now I really like it.  Interestingly, I did not paint this in Paris even though we had recently returned from a month in France and Italy. I didn't even paint it from the hundreds of reference photos taken while we were there.

At the Plein Air Washington Artist group end of the year shindig in Edmonds they had several still life setups to paint and a couple model stations too. These two models pretended like they were sitting in a restaurant or café. While painting away I was somehow transported back to Paris and ended up with this scene of a late night jazz café in the City of Lights.  Surprised myself because the scene in front of me looked nothing like this. I'm not sure I could even paint her shimmering dress again If I tried...So glad my wife and I took that trip when we had the chance!  Hope you will some day too!  =]

Thursday, March 18, 2021

"Makayla and Emmy at the Poulsbohemian" original portrait painting by Robin Weiss

Makayla and Emmy at the Poulsbohemian
16x16 oil on linen   SOLD


Makayla worked as a barista at the coffee shop too. Then she decided to get married, have a baby and be a mom. I captured a few reference images when she came in for a visit with Emmy and thought they would make a great painting. Now it's on the wall in it's rightful place at grandmas house....    =]   We are all so happy for you Makayla!  You will be the best mom!  

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

"Ruthie at the Poulsbohemian" original portrait painting by Robin Weiss

"Ruthie at the Poulsbohemian" 20x16 oil on linen

 I did a series of recent portraits after getting a commission to paint a friends daughter. I needed to get some practice. I took a few photos of friends at the local coffee shop and used the reference for these portraits which I painted on some 16x20 linen panels that were given to me.

Ruthie was a barista at the Poulsbohemian. She is an artist too and could make a coffee so pretty you didn't want to drink it! Recently she took on a full time job doing other things. We will all miss her fun antics and the artistic encouragement we shared. Thanks for all those great cups of coffee Ruthie!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

"Art Budd at the Poulsbohemian" original oil portrait by Robin Weiss

"Art Budd at the Poulsbohemian"
20x16 oil on linen Panel


Recently I received a commission to do a portrait. Not what I am used to or what I feel very good at. Mostly I have procrastinated on studying and practicing the art of the portrait. I thought it would be good to warm up by working on some photos of friends I talk with in the mornings at the local coffee shop in Poulsbo called the Poulsbohemian.

Art is one of those buddies. He does some artwork too.  We usually talk about the books we are reading. Art volunteers at the library and we have traded books a bit.  I caught him in the sunlight on the patio and snapped this shot.

I used a grid program for this photo to help with proportions and then sketched it pretty quickly on the panel with a drawing brush. First I applied a thin, warm wash of color and let it set for awhile. I started with the darks first and then worked the whole canvas leaving a lot of the underpainting. Going back to the face I used more paint and finished with more detail drawing the eye to the center of attention.

I have since done a few more portraits of friends and family I will post in coming days. Hope all is well with you and your family!  Stay safe and stay creative!