Tuesday, March 04, 2025

"Sound Access" original ferry painting by Robin Weiss and Alki Art's April exhibition "Slice of Life"

"Sound Access"  36x36 oil on canvas  
Available through Alki Arts  206-295-5115


Interesting the various stages of metomorphosis some paintings go through. Art historians and art experts have discovered many master paintings that were painted over other work. 

If a painting makes the rounds through all the galleries and venues and art competitions and does not sell, I can't leave it laying around the studio. Some smaller work that we really like will become part of our home collection, otherwise it gets gessoed over and repainted.

This painting started out as a commission with a completely different subject. The commission didnt work out for the client but the initial sail boat design ended up as this ferry painting which will be my featured piece in the Alki Arts April exhibition, "Slice of Life"  

Diane Venti owner and director of Alki Arts writes; 

  "April brings an exhibition of scenes of daily life, as masterfully depicted by artists Brooke Borcherding, Robin Weiss, and Brian Cameron. Each artist, with their own signature style, captures the moments, places, and feelings that make the memories that we hold dear to us.

If you are in West Seattle be sure to stop by the gallery for the opening on April 5th from 5-7pm. Always a fun time in the nieghborhood as many art lovers gather for music, wine and of course, some of the best, affordable art by local and national artists in Seattle!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

"Olympic View" original oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Olympic View"  18x14 oil on panel  


It happens a lot around here. Especially in the winter months when snow comes to the mountains and the trees loose their leaves and open the vistas. You will be driving along, pop over a hill and be presented with a jaw dropping view of snow capped mountains, blue ridges and sparkling waters.  I drive down Lincoln Hill road a lot coming and going to town and every so often the skies clear, the light is just right and this view of the Brothers in the Olympic Mountain range across the Puget Sound will make me pull over and stare.. Somrtimes I have the presence of mind to snap a decent photo..

This painting is curently hanging at the Front Street Gallery in Poulsbo. Maybe you will see the mountains as you drive to town..   Hope so!  =]

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

"Look to the Sea" Port Townsend oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Look to the Sea"  14x18 oil on panel   $1100


Another view of the Point Wilson Lighthouse at Fort Worden in PT . I used the driftwood to lead the eye into the scene as I often do with coastal paintings in the Pacific Northwest. If you look closely you will notice a small figure, top, right ....looking out to sea...

Plein Air Washington Artists will be hosting a paintout at Fort Worden in September, 10,11,12,13 .  If you are planning on going, reserve your camp site now!!  They fill quickly!  Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

"Cascade Locks" original oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Cascade Locks"  16x20 oil on panel   SOLD


Ann and I took a little mini vacation for our anniversary in November. We booked an Air B&B in White Salmon for the night and then took a paddle boat ride on the Columbia river at Cascade Locks.  It was super fun and I got some good reference photos to work from in the studio. 

The captain of the paddle boat has been doing these tours for 40 years!  He even let me drive the boat for awhile..

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

"Point Wilson Lighthouse" Port Townsend plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Point Wilson Lighthouse"  9x14   SOLD


This is the time of year I take a second look at mediocre paintings that have been stacking up in the studio and work that has come back from multiple galleries unsold. I have very limited space for storing paintings. There are several options to deal with this issue.

I can go back in and repaint all or part of the painting. I can crop the the painting down for a better composition and at the same time make it more affordable or I can scrub the entire painting re-gesso it and paint an entirely new work. ( be sure to re-gesso an oil painting with oil based gesso) On smaller work I may even turn the painting upside down and paint directly onto the old painting leaving some of the prior work to show through. In the above Lighthouse painting I cropped it down. To the right you can see it as painted on location.

Big thanks to Mara at Mara's Gallery in Port Townsend for accepting my work and for the sale of Point Wilson Lighthouse!  I look forward to working with Mara and appreciate her support and encouragement!

Friday, January 03, 2025

"Dawn Breaks" original Poulsbo painting by Robin Weiss

"Dawn Breaks"  6x8 oil on panel  $350


I still take walks down by the waterfront in Poulsbo most mornings. It seems I can never sleep late these days.  I miss a lot of sunsets but get to see a lot of glorious sunrises. My goal this year is to remain and get more motivated to create the most beautiful paintings I can achieve. I feel the sun rising in my spirit as I think about the new year and it's possibilities. Not only for creating art but the myriad relationships that involve and revolve around this business which itself is much more than a business. It is a gift I have been given to share the created beauty of nature with others hopefully leading to reflection of the Creator Himself.

This month starts off with First Friday Art Walk in Winslow. I will be hanging out at the J G Gallery. Come say hi!   

On Saturday the 4th, Alki Arts will host the opening of their January 2025 exhibition, "Paint in Motion" This show will feature many Alki favorite artists. Come join us at Alki Arts in West Seattle, 5-7pm.

The Second Saturday Artwalk in Poulsbo is Sat, the 11th.  You can see my new Poulsbo paintings on display along with lots of affordable new work from local artists and makers at the Front Street Gallery.

A shout out to Maras Gallery in Port Townsend who will be showing a few of my north end Olympic Peninsula and Port Townsend paintings. Port Townsend Art Walk is the first Saturday of the month.

Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 30, 2024

"Poulsbo Crossing" original oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Poulsbo Crossing" 11x14 oil on panel   $800


Continuing on with the Poulsbo series this scene looks up the hill on Front Street . Along this stretch are a couple coffee shops I like to fuel up in the morning.  The Poulsbohemian at the top of the hill and Cafe Cocina on the right.  I hope you get a chance to visit Poulsbo some time. It is becoming an international tourist destination these days reflecting a growth spurt of business and folks moving in.  If you do visit us be sure to check out the Front Street Gallery! It is a cooperative of many talented and local artists and you can find my recent work there.

Here's wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Friday, December 27, 2024

"Poulsbo Evening" original oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Poulsbo Evening" 20x10 oil on panel


I hope everyone had a peaceful, joyous Christmas!  Ours was quiet this year but filled with beautiful moments among family and friends.  

I have been working in the studio lately with the weather turning cold and wet in the Pacific Northwest.

I have gathered a ton of referance photos over the summer and lots of studies and sketches to work from. I just fineshed a series of paintings from Poulsbo, the little town here on the Kitsap Penisula where we live. Well, "little" Poulsbo is growing fast! Lots of tourists in the summer and new folks moving in. All that has helped the art sales.  

I'm looking forward to the coming year with lots of shows planned and workshops to teach. Check out the Black Barn for their schedule of classes and workshops coming up. I will also be participating in shows at Alki Arts in West Seattle, J G Gallery in Winslow, The Scott Milo Gallery in Anacortes and The Cole Gallery in Edmonds in 2025.

I appreciate so much all those of you who have followed along, supported and encouraged me this year!

 Thank you!! Have a Blessed New Year!

Monday, November 04, 2024

"The Space Needle from Gasworks" Seattle plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"The Space Needle from Gasworks"  6x12 oil on panel  $500

 Gasworks Park in Seattle is one of the places we painted during the James Kroner workshop earlier this summer.  There are some great views of Lake Washington and the city beyond!  

I took advantage of the diagonals in the landscape to try and compose a dynamic design. The morning was still hazy which added to some atmospheric effect. This was a very fast painting attempting to get a feel of place.

This painting is on display at the Alibi Room tucked into Post Alley by the famous Gum Wall in Seattle. Stop by if you are in the area. They have great food and it is a cool location to take a break from touring the city.

Also if you are in Kitsap County on the other side of the Puget Sound, our local studio tour is coming up fast.  Lots of recent and past work from the years painting adventures will be displayed at the Knowles Studio in Poulsbo. Five other artists will be in the studio along with me and print masker Leigh Knowles Metteer. Check out the Cultural Arts Foundation Northwest for more info.

Friday, November 01, 2024

"Volunteer Park" Seattle plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Volunteer Park" 11x14 plein air oil    $800


Earlier this summer I took a workshop as continuing education from artist and friend James Kroner.  We had a great time going to different locations around Seattle, learning and painting together!  If you get a chance to join a workshop with James you should do it! Especially his European workshops!

I reworked this painting a bit after getting back to the studio. It is now on display at the Alibi Room in Post Alley. If you are in Seattle you should stop in and see the show! Try their pizza! We love it!!  =]

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

"Chilberg Road" Skagit co. plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Chilberg Road"


From the October Skagit trip.  Right off the highway headed into LaConner are these views of the farms and fields with the Islands of Skagit Bay showing in the distance.  Trying to capture the forms and groupings of the cattle was a fun challenge.

This painting will be on display along with many other recent plein air paintings at The Knowles Studio on Noll rd. in Poulsbo during Art in the Woods!  November 8, 9, 10 , the second weekend in Nov., will be the annual North Kitsap Studio Tour. get your maps and more info at the Cultural Arts Foundation Northwest website.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

"Ika Island" Skagit County plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Ika Island"  14x11 oil on panel  $800

Ika Island is one of many islands in Skagit Bay.  This view is from a favorite painting spot at the end of Rawlins Road.  Me and Mark went out one morning during my October painting trip which unknown to us coinsided with the first day of duck hunting season!  We saw an amazing variety of waterfowl coming in to glean the fields left from the corn harvest.... Along with a lot of shotgun blasts! We managed to get a few paintings done and really enjoyed the day.  

Saturday, October 19, 2024

"The Pumpkin Truck" Skagit Valley plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"The Pumpkin Truck"  9x12, plein air, oil on panel $700


I recently took a break from pressing family matters and lots of work around the place to get away for some art therapy.  The Skagit Valley was beaconing. I hooked up with painting buddy Mark Bistranin for a couple days of painting in the beauty of the valley. Maury came out Sunday afternoon and I had a chance to spend time painting with him.

I always stop at Hedlins Family Farm on my way into LaConner. I have painted this farm from a few perspectives over the years. My timing was just right to catch the fall pumpkin harvest. As you can see here there were a lot of perfect set-ups for painting!

You can see this painting on display at Art in the Woods the North Kitsap Studio Tour, November 8, 9, 10 .  I will be set up at the Knowles Studio in Poulsbo along with Leigh Knowles an other talented artists and crafters.  

Hope to see you there!

Friday, October 04, 2024

"Viewing Rocky Brooke Falls" plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Viewing Rocky Brooke Falls"  6x12 oil on panel   $500

 It's time to play painting pickup.  I have gotten through most of the events this year and now I can go back and post paintings that have fallen through the cracks.  There are paintings that I have not posted this year and some from last year......and maybe the year before!  

Here is one I did on the Dosewalips river trip earlier this summer. Rocky Brooke Falls is a short hike from the river road going to the upper Dose.  I usually stop there when I am in Brennan. It can be a challenge to paint because you don't see much till you are right up to it and it is 200 feet high!!  I tried to capture this couple experiencing the beauty.

Monday, September 30, 2024

"Tree Light" landscape painting by Robin Weiss, AIS National Exhibition 2024

"Tree Light"  12x16 oil on panel   $1200
Accepted into the AIS National Exhibition 2024


I painted this earlier in the year from photo reference taken at Bloedel Reserve on Bainbridge Island.  

I was very humbled to have this work accepted into the 25th Annual National Juried Exhibition that will take place from September 27 to October 26 at the Rockport Art Association and Museum in Rockport, Massachusetts.The awards judge is Carolyn Anderson AISM

If you are interested in purchasing this work please call the Rockport Art Association at 978-546-6604

Thanks!  =]

Friday, September 27, 2024

"Main Street Edmonds" Edmonds and Beyond plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Main Street Edmonds" 14x11 oil on panel  SOLD

First off I would like to appologize to my subscribers. Over a year ago I was forced to change my RSS feed to a different venue. I thought I had it all set up to work properly and only recently found out that my posts were not going out unless I manually sent it each time! Sheesh!  Hopefully that has been fixed and if you start getting In Plein Air posts again in your email that is why. Of course you can still unsubscribe if you want, but if you enjoy my posts you may want to go back and look through the blog. I have been consistently posting for the last few years!  Okay, after the five stages of grief I will get over it..=]

The painting above was completed during the Edmonds and Beyond Plein Air Paintout, Quick Paint event in Edmonds, WA.  I set up on Main street under an awning to escape the rain and painted this scene in front of me. 

I was recently surprised to hear from childhood friends Bruce and David Asamoto. Bruce was in the Seattle area and looked me up. It was great to meet with them and their wifes in Poulsbo and catch up on old times.  Then they came to Edmonds for the Quick Paint. Big thanks to Bruce and his wife Kim for buying this painting as a memory of their time here. So good to see these old friends again!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

"Hidden Cove" Edmonds and Beyond plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Hidden Cove"  8x16 oil on panel   Sold


One more from Bainbridge Island.  This was painted from a hidden little park along Hidden Cove road on BBI. I got there early in the morning and it was so quiet and peaceful! I walked down to a boat dock and set up for this view. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"Fay Bainbridge" Edmonds and Beyond Plein Air painting by Robin Weiss

"Fay Bainbridge" 11x14 oil on panel $800
available through the Cole Gallery, Edmonds


Sometimes it's hard to title paintings. Sometimes a title can sell a painting. Sometimes in a hurry I give up and take the easy road. I kinda feel that way about the title of this painting and it may change down the road. 

Right now it is in the Edmonds and Beyond exhibition at the Cole Gallery.  I wanted to use the title to place this painting and even though this view is not of Fay Bainbridge state Park it is right next door. To place its location to the most people I called it Fay Bainbridge.... Titles....sheesh

There is a quiet little lagoon here surrounded by a narrow spit that back in the days before everything was so tightly regulated a lot of people built homes. Maybe one of them will see this painting and not buy it because I called it Fay Bainbridge....Ha!  Or maybe someone will love it whatever the title... If that's you, call the Cole Gallery at 425-697-2787    =]

Thanks for visiting In Plein Air!

Monday, September 23, 2024

"Ferry View" Edmonds and Beyond Plein Air painting By Robin Weiss

"Ferry View"  12x16 oil on panel  Sold

 In my last post I showed my painting of a Washington State Ferry at the Kingston dock . After I completed that painting I hopped on the ferry and went over to the Edmonds side. I spent some time looking around for a spot to paint that I haven't done before and settled on this shady spot across from the  fishing pier with a view of the ferry in Edmonds. I love trying to paint dappled sunlight and fiddled around with the figure walking his dogs quite a bit till I felt somewhat satisfied and then quit before I overworked it...

You can see this painting on exhibit at the Cole Gallery in Edmonds through October 14th. I hope you stop by and see the show! If you are interested in purchasing this painting call the Cole Gallery at 425-697-2787

Thanks!!!  =]

Saturday, September 21, 2024

"Kingston Commute" Edmonds and Beyond Plein Air painting by Robin Weiss

"Kingston Commute"  16x12 oil   SOLD


They have done a lot of work sprucing up the property around the Kingston Ferry. I remember when I first moved to Poulsbo back in the 80's there was a restaurant at this location that overlooked the ferry's coming and going. I loved it!  Was sad when they  demolished it.  

I have been walking past this view for a long time and considering it's potential for a good composition. I had my chance to paint it during the Edmonds and Beyond Plein Air Paintout this year.  It received the Third Place Award. Big congrats to all the award winners and those who participated in this growing plein air competition.

Friday, September 20, 2024

"Marrowstone Island" Edmonds and Beyond plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Marrowstone Island"  8x16 oil on panel  $750


This year marks the third annual Edmonds and Beyond Plein Air Paintout. The Cole Gallery in Edmonds, WA has started a new plein air painting competition masterminded by Denise Cole and Scott Jones that is starting to get the attention of artists around the country. 

The competition boundaries always include Edmonds and Kingston on the Kitsap Peninsula but also designate a "Beyond" that this year included "The Islands of Washington"  Good news for me as some of my favorite painting locations are on islands near to where we live.

Fresh back from the Whidbey Island Plein Air Paintout I had to re-group, clean up and organize my gear then hop on the ferry and head over to Edmonds to get my panels stamped.  I stopped at the Edmonds Marsh to get one under the belt but it was a stinker. I decided to start fresh in the morning and drove across the Hood Canal bridge to a favorite spot along Puget Sound. The above painting is actually painted on Indian Island but the view is of Marrowstone Island. 

Feeling like I got a decent painting the game was on..  The competition is now over but you can still see the exhibition and the award winners at the Cole Gallery in Edmonds through October 14th.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

"Scenic Coupeville" Whidbey Island Plein Air by Robin Weiss

"Scenic Coupeville"  9x12 oil   $600


This was the last quick plein air painting I completed during the Whidbey Island Plein Air Paintout 2024. Coupeville is a quaint little town with a main street you can walk down in 5minuets but it has a lot of character! It is also home to the Pacific Northwest Art School who sponsors the event. To learn more about PNAS check out the link HERE.

Coming up in future posts will be the paintings done during the Edmonds and Beyond Plein Air Paintout hosted by the Cole Gallery.  I'm working hard to catch up to what I'm doing now so stay tuned and thanks for all the encouragement! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"Scenic Island Barns" Whidbey Island Plein Air painting by Robin Weiss

"Scenic Island Barns"  11x14 oil  $800


I saw this scene the first day that I painted at Scenic Isle Farm. When I came back the second day the wheelbarrow was gone!  With the wheelbarrow this composition had all the elements I look for. A lead in,(the dirt road) a triad of subjects to provide story and interest. Some foreground texture to provide variety of brushwork and textures.   I had to use my photos from the day before to add the wheelbarrow.

I painted a lot on Whidbey! I have one more to post before moving on to the Edmonds and Beyond Plein Air competition.  Thanks for all the encouraging feedback I have been getting!  Hope you enjoy these Whidbey Island paintings.  =]

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"Sunflower Stroll" Whidbey Island Plein Air painting by Robin Weiss

"Sunflower Stroll"  6x12 oil on panel   Sold


There is farm just out of Coupeville on the historic Ebby's Landing preserve called Scenic Island Farm that is protected from development as part of that site. A neat family owns it and this year they planted a field of sunflowers and called it the Sunflower Stroll charging folks a small fee to come in and take pictures surrounded by smiling sunflowers.

 They allowed us artists free access to paint the farm and a lot of us did! Maury and I went back two days to paint there. I was really fascinated by the barns and structures but had to paint the sunflowers first. In the far background is Ebby's Landing and then in the distance are the Olympic Mountains on the Olympic Peninsula across from the Straits of Juan De Fuca.

Maury at Scenic Island Farm

Monday, September 16, 2024

"Whidbey Island Sunrise" plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Whidbey Island Sunrise"  6x8 oil  SOLD


This little sunrise painting was done from the front deck of our amazing VRBO house where four of us stayed together during the Whidbey Island Plein Air in August. It even had a hot tub out there where I had my morning coffee before getting started for the day. Since I get up at 5am there was plenty of time to soak before work..  if that's what you want to call it...=]