Friday, June 28, 2024

"A Walk to the Lighthouse" plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"A Walk to the Lighthouse"  9x12 plein air ,oil on panel  $700


Maury and I couldn't get together on Fathers Day this year so we planned a painting day a week later coinciding with a PAWA paint-out at Fort Worden.  While only seeing one other painter we still had a great time painting down on the beach with stunning views of the Point Wilson Lighthouse and Point Wilson itself.

The day was overcast with bright light filtering through as the clouds thinned out during the day making for perfect light conditions for painting.

This was my first of two paintings done that day before we headed to Doc's Marina Grill for some fish tacos and a couple beers.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

"Little Norway" Poulsbo plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Little Norway"  11x14 oil on panel, plein air   SOLD

 I had the pleasure of meeting by chance, a long time collector from Massachusetts at the Front Street Gallery in Poulsbo this week.  It was a surprise for her too!  Always a pleasure and inspiring to meet folks from all over who love and appreciate the work I do. That is one of the benefits of being an artist. To be someone who creates art that others put into their homes because the art has inspired them or evoked a feeling of awe, joy, happiness or peace (most of the comments I get). It is a privilege and also really humbling.  I always want to produce the best work I can for the folks who love my paintings.

Poulsbo is the little town that we live closest to. It was settled and built by immigrants from Norway who saw a bit of their own fjords here in the new world.  The town has always had that small town flavor although that is changing like so many other places with lots of growth and new people moving in.

I am represented in Poulsbo by the Front Street Gallery, a co-op owned and operated by 25 plus artists and crafters.  Stop by if you are in the area for some of the best local art in the area.  =]


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Willow" Bloedel Reserve, plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Willow" 8x16 plein air, oil on panel  $800
Available through the JG Gallery, Winslow

 My second offering for "Iconic Bainbridge Island", a new group exhibition at the JG Gallery in Winslow. 

This show will open on Friday, July 5th during Winslow's First Friday Artwalk.  Hope to see you there!

I have been painting a lot on the Bloedel Reserve. Located at the end of Agate Pass Rd on BBI. It offers acres of beautiful gardens, rare plants, a marsh and wildflower meadows. As part of the art program you can even sign up for painting days or workshops with the program artists including me! =]

Check out the Bloedel website HERE

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Garden Poppies" original landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Garden Poppies"  20x24 oil on canvas  $2200
Available through the JG Gallery, Bainbridge Is. WA

 The JG Gallery in Winslow will be displaying paintings by gallery artists depicting the beauty of Bainbridge in a new exhibition called Iconic Bainbridge Island. 

This new work "Garden Poppies" was created for this show. It depicts the wild abandon of colorful flowers in the Community Garden behind Eagle Harbor Community Church in Winslow from Finch Pl. 

The show will open on July 5th during Winslow's First Friday Artwalk. Always an enjoyable night to come out to artwalk, the town is alive with homegrown music, art, food and festivities. Hope to see you there! 

Thursday, June 06, 2024

"CB Gold" Colorado landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"CB Gold"  10x20 oil on panel  SOLD
available through the Oh Be Joyful Gallery


I did a similar painting to this one on location in Crested Butte back in 2021. I tried it again in the studio from the reference photos I took.  It's a good example of the difference between being out in the environment of nature or a cozy studio in the middle of winter..  You decide..  

Washington Gulch Wildflowers    SOLD
painted on location in 2021

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

"Free Range" Colorado landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Free Range"   24x36  oil on canvas, framed  SOLD
Available through the Oh Be Joyful Gallery


I've spent a lot of time over the years painting in and around Crested Butte Colorado for the.Oh Be Joyful Gallery.  There is unlimited inspiration everywhere you look there!  I love the open pasture land where the Herefords graze under majestic mountains as you come into CB.  This painting is available at the Oh Be Joyful gallery now. Hope you can stop by and visit if you are in the area! They represent some of the best artists working in the field today.  Check out the website HERE

Monday, June 03, 2024

"Lighthouse Beach" landscape painting by Robin Weiss

Lighthouse Beach  12x16 oil on panel    SOLD


Fort Worden State Park is a favorite painting location for painters in the PNW.  Plein Air Washington Artists will be gathering there on July 22nd for one of many paintouts being organized for the 2024 summer season. Come out and paint or just hang out and watch the artists.  For more info about PAWA visit the website HERE