Monday, February 12, 2024

"Dungeness Wildlife Refuge Studio Painting" original oil painting by Robin Weiss

"Dungeness Wildlife Refuge Studio Painting"  18x36 oil  $2000
Available through Alki Arts, West Seattle  206-295-5115


This studio painting was done using the plein air painting done on location and photo reference done on site that I talked about in my last post.  Sometimes transferring a 6x12 sketch to a 18x36 studio painting can be tricky but made easier by having a solid design to work from and the color harmonies worked out ahead. 

This painting is available and on display at Alki Arts in West Seattle. Call Diane for more info 


"Dungeness Tideline" painting done in 2017 

Not much more can be said about the Dungeness Spit than I have talked about in other posts. (See Here) It just continues to be a favorite painting location particularly because the driftwood on the beach changes with tide and time making it a favorite design element. I can go to the same spot every year and get a completely unique take on the scene.


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