Monday, September 16, 2024

"Whidbey Island Sunrise" plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Whidbey Island Sunrise"  6x8 oil  SOLD


This little sunrise painting was done from the front deck of our amazing VRBO house where four of us stayed together during the Whidbey Island Plein Air in August. It even had a hot tub out there where I had my morning coffee before getting started for the day. Since I get up at 5am there was plenty of time to soak before work..  if that's what you want to call it...=]

Thursday, September 12, 2024

"Beach Walk" Whidbey Island Plein Air painting by Robin Weiss

Beach Walk  6x8  oil   $350

 A small painting done quickly at Ebeys Landing during the Whidbey Island Plein Air 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"Monroe Landing" Whidbey Island Plein Air painting by Robin Weiss

"Monroe Landing"  oil on panel  $750


I have been posting a lot about the Whidbey Island Plein Air Paintout in previous posts.  This painting is another done during the competition. A little park not far from where we all stayed in our Air BnB.

I'm a sucker for these bluffs catching the light at various times of day.  It is a combination of two different mornings and the light display I saw each day.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"Whidbey Island Farm" plein air landscape painting by Robin Weiss

"Whidbey Island Farm"   10x20 oil    $850


If you paint around Whidbey Island enough you start to learn the little tucked away spots with good views to set up an easel and get a decent painting. I think this view is a classic island scene and it is right off highway 20 headed to Oak Harbor from Coupeville. You wouldn't think there was room to pull off  but there is a small power transfer box with a pull out for access and if you know it's coming you can slip in between traffic and get turned around. I painted here a few years back with Maury and we both got good paintings.

Painting the farm in 2021 with Maury

Monday, September 09, 2024

"Coupeville Wharf #6 " Whidbey Island plein air painting by Robin Weiss

"Coupeville Wharf #6 "   6x12 oil     SOLD


Looking through my gallery page on Daily Paintworks I found five other paintings of the Coupeville Wharf!  It is getting to be a tradition of the Whidbey Island Plein Air Paintout every August to spend one afternoon when it gets hot down on the beach in the shade painting the wharf. 

No different this year! Several other PAWA artists joined me for a pleasant afternoon, toes in the sand, painting away....  =]

It is one of the reasons I tell others that "every day is a holiday in this business!'  =]

Coupeville Wharf   2022

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

"Passing the Channel Marker" Whidbey Island Plein Air by Robin Weiss

"Passing the Channel Marker"  9x12 oil on panel  $600


These days I have a hard time getting more than two paintings done in a day. I was so enjoying Ala Spit on Whidbey Island that I stuck around and did a third painting while I was waiting for Maury to show up.

If you study the profile of boats it is pretty easy to stick one in a plein air painting. In this case the boat went by and I was able to do a couple quick eyesight measurements and put it into the scene.

Monday, September 02, 2024

"Ala Spit Trail" Whidbey Island Plein Air painting by Robin Weiss

"Ala Spit Trail"  9x12 oil on panel  $600


My second painting at Ala Spit on the first morning of the Whidbey Island Plein Air. 

I love to use trails like this for lead ins to paintings especially if you can continue on into the distant landscape. In this case imagining yourself emersed in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

My son Maury and I entered the competition together. I am an early riser and he is a late sleeper. It works out pretty good that way. I get up at 5am drive to a location, set up and do a few paintings. Maury texts me to see where I am and we paint together. He came out to Ala Spit for my third painting and did a pretty good one of his own. In fact Maury's painting ended up with the Second Place award!  Not bad!