Tuesday, August 28, 2007

From the Fuel Dock

I got an unexpected day off today so packed up the old red van with paints, thermos, etc. and headed into Kingston. They have a quiet little marina there by the ferry dock. The morning was perfect with beautiful light.


Anonymous said...

Hi Robin,

I like the abstract pattern the pier makes. The reflection of the boat on the water is great too.

Anonymous said...


This is one of my favorites! Love the diagonal ramp for interest.

Carol, a fan from the South

Robin Weiss said...

Hey Silvi, Thanks. I'm still having trouble with your blog.

Robin Weiss said...

Thank you Carol, I appreciate your kind comments.

Anonymous said...

What kind of trouble? The comment tabs are on. It should load faster now because I put all but 6 posts in archive.

Jennifer McChristian said...

Robin, your brushstrokes are exquisite!!
Love the dramatic contrast of light and dark :)

Mike said...

Hey Robin! Aren't you and I gluttens for punishment? I love marinas, but have a devil of a time painting them. You really captured the feeling of action around that boat.

And, by the way . . .to get comments like you did from Jen Mcchristian is to be complimented by a master! Her stuff is so strong!

But . . .as she said, "You da man!"


Robin Weiss said...

Hope ya get it figered out Sil and your right, could be a conspiracy.

Robin Weiss said...

Thanks Jennifer! Glad to see you back in action. We missed ya!

Robin Weiss said...

Mike, I have been avoiding the boats. They are killer for me to get right, more so in oil, possibly because I tend to spend more time drawing for watercolors.

I'm humbled by Jen's comments. Shes a real pro.